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I woke up, getting myself ready for the day as well as remembering the stream that me and the rest would be doing with Annabella until my thoughts wander to Dream, "Why do I feel like, Dream trying to do something bad.." I told myself fearful while shaking my head, trying to bug the thought away from my mind yet it seemed possible.

For a few hours, my thoughts always wandered back to Dream about his behaviour. He looks like he is trying to get close to Annabella yet at the same time, I don't wanna think about it; he's one of my best friends and thinking this way about him just makes me feel more guilty than I already have since I confronted him.

"He's my best friend, he promises he won't do anything.." I trailed and began making breakfast for myself.

It was around noon in Florida while it was 9 AM in California. Annabella had woken up early since a few guests were coming to her house before her stream with Quackity and his other friends.

She sat properly waiting on the couch when she heard knocking coming from her front door, eagerly she stood up and ran towards the front door and forcefully slid open the door.

The moment she opened the door, a man in black suit and gift bag stood in front of her with a male looking similar to Annabella smiling widely, "Bella!" The younger Evans runs into his older sister arms while the older male stands behind the younger Evans watching his children embrace into each other arms.

"Chase!" Annabella shouts her brother's name while hugging each other, Chase Evans, the younger brother of Annabella Evans and the only son of Mike Evans.

"How are you both?" She asks as soon as her brother releases her from his tight grips.

"We're doing fine, Chase and his friends just got their debut and the company is doing fine as always." Her father stated, Annabella stepped away and let her brother and father into her house.

As soon as Chase steps into her house, he runs straight into her kitchen and begins digging into her refrigerator while her father and her look at each other with chuckles, "Is he that hungry?" She ask her father, "He been working hard that why." Her father says, Annabella nodded.

"Oh, this is for you." Mike gave his daughter the gift he had bought when he was on the way to her house. Annabella took the gift off her father's hand and put it on the counter in the kitchen as her father looked around the living room, observing the surroundings.

"You still are as neat as ever." Her father commented as soon as she came back into the living room with a tray of cups filled with tea and a plate of souvenirs for her father, knowing her father; he had a really low sugar pressure.

"So how is the house, dad?" The house, yes; the house where she and her brother grew up until she moved away and everyone started abandoning the house to focus on their own business.

Mike shrugged and took a sip of his tea, "the maids were taking good care of the house, perhaps you can go there for vacation?" he suggested.

Annabella shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her palm, "you know, I still haven't moved on from that day right.. dad." She confessed, and sounded sad.

"I know, sweetheart but you have to let it go." He stated, "You know, mom wouldn't want you to grief on her death right. It's been years." He adds.

"We need you sweetheart, Chase needs you. I need you." Her father told her, Annabella looked up and flashed her father a slight smile.

"Thanks dad, I'll try to move on." She told him as Chase stepped inside the living room with a bag of chips in his hand, "What going on?" He asked and sat beside his sister while looking at both his father and sister in curiosity.

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