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"So, you're telling me that you are Dream's sister?" The female asked the younger female, and the two sat on the couch inside Annabella's house while waiting for her brother to come back home soon.

"But how did you know I lived here?" She questioned Dream sister, curious as well on high guard. If she knows where Annabella lives, others might know as well.

"I have been your neighbor all this time, have you not realized?" Dream sister stated, sure she saw the older female outside sitting under the balcony of her house but has she not even spotted her whenever she comes back home from school.

Annabella shook her head, smiling awkwardly yet secretly guilty for not even coming out to greet the neighbourhood.

Drista shook her head, "You are not a very social person, is it?" she asked, looking straight at Annabella; she nodded her head and rubbed her neck, feeling all nervous and guilty.

They stay silent for a few minutes and don't know what to ask. Drista knew that Annabella is a very private person about her personal life; she has been a fan since she started watching her video on Youtube whenever her mother let her or when it was a holiday.

"Anyway I-" Drista started, but she was interrupted when the door swings opened, revealing Annabella's younger brother with  bags of groceries in his arms, "Hey, Bella help me please." He asks for his sister's bits of help; not noticing the other girl in the house, Annabella gets up from the couch and approaches her brother as she takes a few bags from his arms and goes towards the kitchen.

Once all Annabella's groceries are on the counter kitchen, Chase quickly turns around, which startled him when he finally notices the young female sitting on the couch inside Annabella's house in the living room.

"What the heck!" He screamed, shocked to see the teens sitting on the couch and inside of his sister's house, "who are you?" he exclaimed, panicking that he might lead people to his sister's house.

In front of Drista, a few years older male version of Annabella stood tall as he looked down at her; in her head, he looked handsome, which caused her to blush quickly; she looked away, embarrassed that she had been staring at him for a while.

"My- my name is Drista, nice to meet you." She introduced herself, thinking that he is rather attractive, but sadly, she is just a small teenage girl while he is older and mature and going to be famous.

"Chase," He says and looks at the teen weirdly, "but why are you here?" he asks her.

"Oh, about that.. I am just here to see if Annabella is okay." Drista stated, rubbing her neck slightly in awkwardness. She can't just say she is an Annabella fan; that would make Chase worried.

Chase nodded his head, "thank you for that." he told her, smiling; perhaps having someone other than his sister around isn't that bad.

"Anyway, I have to go. Talk to you later Bella!" Chase went towards his sister and pecked her cheek before stepping out of her house, leaving Drista and his sister behind

Drista has a tiny blush on her cheek when Annabella returns into the living room after her brother leaves, "oh, someone has a crush." She teases a little. Drista shook her head and playfully glared at the older female, "I am not, he's just really handsome." she confessed.

Annabella smirked and flopped down beside Drista, "I know." she stated.

Drista and Annebella, once again in their little gossiping world, talk about anything as well, telling Annabella that Drista's brother is a fan of hers, which the older can figure since the day they've started streaming together.

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