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The next day. . .

       Chase had arrived at Annabella's house early before Drista could. Annabella's phone lit up when a message from Drista caught her attention.


Bella, I will meet you at the mall with my brother since my brother doesn't want us to be seen.
here is the address to the mall [address mall]

Alright, see you there!

As soon as she puts her phone down, she looks at her brother with a curious expression, "have you gone to this mall?" She sent him the address Drista sent her.

Chase pulled out his phone as soon as Annabella's message arrived in his phone, unlocking his phone as he clicked on the address link, "oh, yes. I've been to this mall with my friends; you know those guys." he replied.

Annabella nodded before taking her car keys on the kitchen counter, "Let's go." She says while making her way out but not before putting on her face mask and cap after the recent accident with her brother; surely she doesn't want any scandal or rumors running around with her name in it.

As soon as she stepped out of her house with her face cover-up, she went straight to her car while her brother was left to lock her door as she turned on the engine of her car; the moment her car turn on, Drista and a blonde-haired male stepped out of the house where Drista lived.

Drista waved at Annabella when she caught her attention, Annabella smiles and waves back while Chase runs into the car while Drista into a car she has never seen, "that might be Dream." Annabella stated.

Chase raised his eyebrows as he eyed the car while it drove out of the parking site for Drista's house and towards the mall; they'd promised to meet at.

"So that's the Dream?" Chase asks his sister, curious. Never has she introduced any male in her life which is kinda bored and good for him and his father,

"Yeah, that's him... I guess?" She awkwardly stated, rubbing the back of her neck before driving out of her garage. She stops at the front of her garage before closing it; once it seals she begins driving out of her house park.

"Well, if that's him." Chase started, "I think he looks like a nice man." He adds, smiling widely at his sister beside her as she drove towards the mall she never stepped in.

Nice man? sure he does look like a nice man but she can't always assume that whenever she just sees the man, "We don't know yet." She replied as soon as she parked her car by the car Drista was in.

Seeing people walking in and out of the mall sent shivers into her bones, thinking back to the time when people were talking about her 'supposed' boyfriend but it turned out it was only Chase, her brother.

Chase looks at his sister and puts his hand on her shoulder, "we can always cancel and head back home." he told his sister with a soft tone and concerned expression.

After all, he knew her better than people she 'called' friends. Annabella faced her brother and let out a sigh before shaking her head, "I'll be fine."

The younger nods and steps out of the car after putting on his mask while Bella was left alone in the car before she puts on her mask as well, she put on her glasses as well before stepping out of her car and standing beside her brother after locking the car.

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