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Boboiboy and his team were looking at the beauty of the planet.They have never seen such a beautiful planet before.

"Wow, this planet is so pretty"said the girls so amazed.

"You are right,I wonder if anyone lives here"said boboiboy.
"Boom" suddenly they hear a big explosion sound.

"What was that?"boboiboy asked in worried.

"Looks like someone is in danger"Yaya said as that sound was really loud.

"We should go and see what happen" said ochobot.Everyone agreed and started to run to that place where the explosion come from except Gopal.

"Maybe, I should go back to the spaceship"said Gopal."Don't be so ridiculous"said ying grabbing Gopal's hand and run to that place.After few minutes they reach to a empty place where there was no plants or trees.

"This place is so empty" said Fang.

"Be on high alert guys, who ever had done this must be very suspicious" alerted boboiboy to everyone.

"It's looks like I am in a horror movie" said Gopal very scared.Suddenly round type walls started surrounding them. It's almost looks like they are been trap in a battle arena.

"What..what's happening "said Fang worriedly.Then they saw a big man who was coming laughing evily.

"Hahahaha...Welcome to the battle arena"said that man with a evil smirk.

"Who are you?"asked boboiboy.

"I am Troublemoth, the one of the most powerful power spheres hunter" said troublemoth with a evil smirk.There was a sudden silence cause no one knows anything about him.

"What,aren't you scare of me huh"said troublemoth.

"Um...No"said boboiboy.Then Fang try to know about him by his glasses and gasp in shock.

"That's....that's T.A.P.O.P.S most wanted"shout fang in shock.

"T.A.P.O.P.S most wanted"everyone except fang and troublemoth said.

"There's atleast one person who knows how much dangerous I am " said troublemoth.

"What do you want from us?"asked ying.

"Isn't it obvious that I want that yellow power sphere of yours "said troublemoth pointing towards Ochobot . Ochobot got scared and hid behind boboiboy.

"I will not let you take him "said boboiboy ready to use his powers.

"Oh so you wanna fight now, well you have to face my robots first." said troublemoth and press a button of the remote he was holding and suddenly many robots started to appear from the ground and surrounded the gang.

"Let's begin,boboiboy thunderstorm" as he said he change into thunderstorm and started attacking the robots with his friends.

"Thunder strike"
"Shadow bear slash"
"Gravitational lift"
"Slo-mo speed"
"Food transformation"

Boboiboy and his team destroy the robots one by one and were ready to face the evil alien.

"Huh.. Now it's your turn"said boboiboy pointing towards the alien

"Do you think you have win? You haven't watch the real show yet"said troublemoth and then the robots that were been defeated were assembling again.

"What....How.." said boboiboy in shock.

"Hahaha....that's the real fun.You can't my destroy robots not even in a million tries"said troublemoth.

"Ugh....boboiboy blaze,firy disc." said boboiboy and attack them continously with his team but there was no use as the robots were assembling again. They were getting tired but were continuing there fight.After destroying the robots boboiboy felt on her knees catching his breath but then suddenly one of the robots aim it's lazer on boboiboy and shoot it.Boboiboy saw it but there was no time to dodge it.He closed his eyes ready to save the impact but after few seconds he didn't feel anything.He opened his eyes saw a girl who was wearing a red-dress type jacket with a hood attached to her (similar to aliya in ejen ali) and she was also wearing blue glasses very identical to Solar surroundring him with a barrier. The girl turn his head to boboiboy and he gasped in shock.

Boboiboy Galaxy Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now