To find him!

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"Ah! I can't believe this! We are always on a wild goose chase" said Fang.

The gang had set to find Aaron immediately after recieving the note.

If you wanna see Aaron safe and sound. Come to the abandoned mansion.
Yours truly
A friend😈.

Kaizo had told his parents to stay at home while they go out to find him.

But it wasn't easy! Their one clue was an abandoned mansion. There were a lot of mansions that were abandoned.

But Kaizo was sure of one thing, he knew his friend is not really one......

"Will you calm down Fang" yelled Ying.

"Yeah Fang! Aaron's life is at stake here" said Yaya.

"I's just" Fang sighed.

"We've been at it for almost 3 hours now" completed Gopal. Everyone sighed in agreement.

" How are we going to find a specific mansion in this WHOLE PLANET!!!" exclaimed Ying.

Ochobot was quiet the whole time thinking of something.

"What are you thinking Ochobot?" asked Yaya.

"I am thinking that what will the kidnapper gain in kidnapping Aaron, he is just a normal kid" said Ochobot.

Realization hit them, they didn't think at all that what will the kidnapper really gain in kidnapping Aaron.

"Kidnapper, I thought he was a friend?" said Gopal making everyone facepalm.

"Really Gopal, why would a friend kidnap a friend" said Yaya.

"But doesn't Aaron mentioned that he is going to meet a friend?"

"That's where we are wrong" said Kaizo. Everyone turn to the captain.

"What Captain?" asked Fang.

"This friend of Aaron, maybe he is the one behind Aaron's strange behaviour?" he said. Everyone could understand what the captain mean.

"Maybe......This friend could be the criminal itself who we are looking for" exclaimed Fang finally processing it all.

"If that's the case, then we should hurry before the criminal could harm Aaron" said Yaya.

"But how? We even don't where he is?" said Gopal.

"Do you have any idea Ochobot of how to find Aaron" asked Ying. Ochobot started to think deeply. He then finally conclude an idea.

"Fang, can you give me your power watch." he asked.

"But why?"

"I'll explain later, just give it"

"Um.....Okay" he handed the power watch to him. Then ochobot started to scan the watch. Everyone was confused of Ochobot's actions.

"I found it" he exclaimed and display a screen of a forested area in which a red circle was pointing out something.

"What's this Ochobot?" asked Yaya.

"This is the location where Aaron is right now" said Ochobot. Everyone was surprised.

"How do you found this?" asked Kaizo.

"This week, I was sensing something really different in Aaron. It was an vengeance or anger emotion which was getting stronger day by day. So just keeping his coordinates in my mind, I try to put those coordinates in Fang's watch so that we can pinpoint his location." he explained.

"But what could make him angry or vengeance?" asled Gopal.

"Don't know that?"

"Let's not discuss this right now, Ochobot open a teleportal to this location, we really need to hurry" ordered Kaizo.

"Yes captain! Teleportation power!" Ochobot opened a teleportal infront of them.

"Let's go" they jumped into the teleportal and now they were in a very dark place. They were now in a front of a abandoned mansion.

Kaizo turned on his torch that he had brought with him.

"What's this place?" said Gopal shivering.

"This is the place where Aaron is" said Kaizo seriously looking at the gates.

The gang shivered looking at that abandoned mansion. It was a very lit and quiet place.

They reached to opened the gates but to on cue, the gates opened letting them in.

"It's looks like I in a horror movie" saud Gopal while follwing the rest. They reached to the front doors.

"Aaron" they called out.

They were answered by a silence...... Perfect silence.

"Hey you! Whoever you are, give Aaron back to us" yelled Kaizo.

"Aaron where are you?" yelled Fang.


"AAHH" yelled Gopal, catching everyone's attention. He explained that he saw a figure moving pretty fast in the dark.

Kaizo immediately pointed his torch in that direction to find nothing.

"Are you sure might be imagining things" said Ying also scared.

"I'm sure, I saw something there. I'm not hallucinating." Gopal defended.


"AAHHH" except Kaizo everyone screamed from that sudden noise.

"What was that....." said Yaya.

Everyone looked around for the source of voice that was slowly decreasing now.

Then Fang looked at his watch which was slowly glowing and beeping now.

"Guys, it was my watch" he said. Everyone glared at him.

"Why don't you tell it to us earlier" they yelled angrily.

"Sorry" then he stare at his watch which shows a hologram of lightning B on it.

"What's that" asked Yaya pointing at the symbol. Ochobot came closer to him.

"Boboiboy" he muttered inaudibly.

"So you are finally here" they turned around to the very familiar source of voice and saw Aaron coming from the dark side.

"Aaron" they exclaimed relief that there friend was fine.

"Aaron are you okay" asked Yaya.

"I'm okay but you guys came pretty late" he said with a bored expression making everyone confused.

"What do you mean Aaron?" asked Fang.

"Do you know that where you have come now"

"In this abandoned mansion for you Aaron! To save you!" said Gopal.

"For me! But do you know that you have actually came here cause today is the day that you will be died by my hands" he said with a evil smile.



Hehe.... Another cliffanger. Sorry but I was getting to tired that's why.







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