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I was letting loose and all restraints and worrys in my mind seemed to disapeer. 

There were a bunch of people playing truth or dare. A guy with brown hair around 5"9 came up to me and mischeviously aksed 'hey your new right, wanna play?' as he asked the question i felt everyone stare at me. 

I reales then that i could be anyone i wanted here i didnt have to be the shy quite girl i could be the person i was around my close freinds and didn't have to restrict meself so in a uncaring tone i answered 'sure why not'.

As i said that i felt everyone go back to normal expect for the guy that asked me to play. He then stated 'okay newbie, dare you to..

'go into the forest' shouted another girl in a joking manner it then seemed as if she said something wrong. Evryone in the tight circle glared at her but she only shrugged. I didnt realise the danger of it at the time and i only answered 'alrigt bet'.

What seemed to be a few minutes later i found myself in a huge forest. There had been a clear path conecting the house and the forest but i completly lost it.

I then realise, i've done something so utterly stupid.

hour later 

The tears continued to trickle down my face. I'd checked on my watch and it was 11: 33 pm, not too late, but too late to be alone in a forest that probably had wild creatures surrounding every inch of it.

Suddenly, a vague figure cut my thought of wild creatures. As the large figure calm closer I realized it was a man. Closer, closer he came. As he came closer a sort of pull dragged me towards him a feeling of comfort and like I had finally found my life's meaning. I couldn't see much I the dark but soon I realized it was actually two males instead of one. I quickly dismissed my thoughts of safety and instead realized I was a female in an extremely submissive form, they would've easily towered over my 5'3 form even If I was standing and although I could see much I knew they were both extremely packed in the strength department the first man looking bigger though.

My thoughts were in a mad puddle of terror by now, they could do anything they wanted with me: beat me up, rape me man... even kill me!

All these thoughts were running through my head in the span of 10 seconds, and probably longer if the first man had not growled. I'd concluded by now that this towns people were no right I the head.

Slowly the first man travelled down to my height and whispered (almost as if he was, he could hurt me through speaking loudly) "'m going to help alright just tell me if I hurt you".

When he was speaking, I was completely entranced by his low husky voice that I completely didn't listen to what he said. But I whispered the words "thank you", just because I was rubbish at human communication doesn't mean I'm completely rude, alright.

But at that moment as I said the words, I felt man number 1 tense under me, and I concluded that this man was absolutely ripped even without me seeing him.

As the two men walked through the forest me in man no.1's arms I felt myself fall into a comfortable sleep. His arms made me feel comfortable and they were hard but oh so warm and soft at the same time.


Words:  606

hope you enjoyed :)

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