How you meet

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Leaves crunch beneath you, the crisp cool air blows through stands of your hair, compound bow in your right hand, ready to catch some food. You spot a squirrel scurrying on the ground. You pull an arrow and raise your bow up having the nock lightly touch the bottom of you lip, you focus on the animals movement, as you pull the Bow's string back, just as the animal rest for a few seconds, you release, and hit it right in the head. But your not the only one that got a head shot. Your eyes grow, as you draw another arrow, ready to kill who ever tried to claim your food. You come around the tree and come face to face with a redneck, trying to look badass with that tiny crossbow of his. "That is my dinner if you don't mind, removing your arrow" He said still had the crossbow pointed at you. You gave him this look of disbelief and smartass mixed together. "Since when does someone simply claim and animal like he is desperate for food, not like you need meat anyways" Smirking a him, he takes his finger off the trigger, it still has his weaponed pointed at you. "And what makes you think your my new mommy? Your sassy, I like you" Both of you chuckle a little. You scoffed "You like me? Sucking up so you can get the squirrel, I don't think so" He smiles, lowers his bow, " why don't we share?" You smile, "how nice, what's your name suck up?"

"The name is Daryl, tour's chicklet?"


"You got a camp (Y/N)?"

"Why, lost yours?, and no I don't sorry to let you down cupcake"

"I don't have one either, but I'm sure me and my group will find someplace to stay, you up for coming along, sunshine? What harm can a little innocent sunshine like you do?"

All you can do is giggle, blush, and nod. You pick up the squirrel and hand it to Daryl, as both of you walk back to meet a big group of people.

Daryl Dixon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now