Chapter 2: People Are Scary

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I glanced upward. Why was he there? Was he following me? Stalking me, perhaps...?!

I grabbed my bag and pulled it closer to me, glaring at him threateningly. He merely smiled sweetly, leaving my stomach feeling as if I had just gone down a huge drop on a rollercoaster. That was weird. Even the sight of the sunlight casting golden crescendos of color upon his beautiful silver hair caused my heart rate to significantly increase.

Hold up-

What the hell was that inner-monologue?

"Hi, (L/n)-san, was it?" He asked softly. I nodded quickly in return. "How are you doing?"

"I- er... okay, I guess," I replied, my voice becoming quieter. I decided to be more polite, considering how I had acted during class. "How are you?"
"I'm doing good, thanks for asking," He said cheerfully, averting his eyes toward the metal doors I was sitting in front of. "Just about to head to volleyball practice."

I coughed out of surprise, choking on the oxygen that I was... breathing. He's on the volleyball team?! I wanted to ask him so many questions. I wanted to watch. I wanted to be reminded. But, instead, I got up, bowing once. "My apologies, I hope you're not going to be late! How inconsiderate of me!" Why was I speaking this way? Right. To make up for earlier.

Sugawara chuckled, and I just noticed the two people beside him. I shuddered. They were both so intimidating, tall and looming, like towers. Especially the one with a bun. They just looked at me, chilling me to the bone. One had short brown hair and the other had long hair tied up in a bun, along with a stubble on his chin. They were very muscular, and the one with a man bun didn't look very friendly. Come to think - he didn't look like a student at all.

I sat there, shaking, not saying a word.

"Hey, (L/n)-san? Are you alright?" Sugawara waved a hand in front of me, causing me to flinch.

"Huh? Yeah...?" I frowned, knowing that I probably embarrassed myself once again.

"So... I'm going to, uh, head to practice, if you don't mind..." I realized that I had still stood in front of the doors. I mentally slapped myself and started to gather up my stuff.

"Right...! Sorry!" I started trembling out of fear and embarrassment, my ears heated up and my cheeks flushed. I didn't even look up when I heard more footsteps approach.


My head shot up so quickly, I could've gotten whiplash. I hadn't even finished packing my stuff up yet. But- the cold in this new voice. The sternness. I jumped as a glaring face loomed over me, threatening my life. His blue eyes pierced through me, causing me to sweat profusely. His black hair was draped over his forehead spikily and his face was contorted into one of anger. Did I really have to eat lunch right in the middle of the steps? 

"Move out of the way."

It was a command. Like that of one... from a tyrant. I yelped with fear and moved out of the way quickly.

"KAGEYAMAAA," A smaller voice whined. "You always scare everyone ! Does it hurt to be nice once in a while?" 

"Shut up, Hinata, boke," 'Kageyama' replied rather rudely. Hinata was a short boy with orange hair and a LOT of energy. He practically bounced everywhere he went, ticking off Kageyama along the way. I observed them as they shouted at each other every opportunity they got.

"Sorry about them," Sugawara said calmingly. I turned back towards him as the two beside them waved at me and walked inside, their very scary aura dissipating rather quickly. "They're always like that," He chuckled again.

"O-oh, its fine," I mumbled, trying to analyse his opinion towards his teammates. He didn't seem to be even a little annoyed.

"May I ask what you're doing here?" He asked politely.

"I just really enjoy volleyball... even the sounds calm me," I said honestly, my voice sure and unwavering for once, slowly getting lost in my sea of thoughts.

"Do you play?"

"Um, n-no. My mother played all the time, though, so I do understand the game," I said nervously.

"You should totally join the team! I'm sure they'd appreciate another manager or something," He shrugged. "If you'd like, you can watch today's practice!"

My eyes widened at the sight of watching volleyball again. No, not without my mother, my mind pleaded. Normally, I'd decline. But... for some reason... this time was different. I grabbed my bag and nodded, walking into the gym hesitantly. I was immediately greeted with a volleyball headed right at my face. Hinata, who had decided to try and spike as hard as he could, turned toward me with a panicked expression.


Hello, my few readers! (if not none [if there are none then this is really sad heh]) I have decided to update as often as possible, possibly a chapter every weekday! I'll keep it up as long as I can. Right now they're in half-chapters, but I am assuming that will change soon.

I also gave up on word counts :P

Happy reading!

-Frito Burrito

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