Chapter 2.5: Overwhelmed

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I yelped, and, suddenly, it felt like time slowed down. Something flashed through my memories. A ball flying right at my mother. She always taught me strategies, but I always refused to play.

    "Hit the ball where you want it to go. You have to guide it, like this. You have to be able to think during the moment. Make the decision fast, but think it through. You have to be fast.

    If you're not fast, you'll miss your shot."

    "Hold your arms like this. Bring your hips down and make it one...



    As if I've done it before, I brought my arms together, backed up, and hit the ball that had unexpectedly come spiraling right at my face. Steadily and surely. Like I intended on being the best. I made the decision to aim it back into the basket across the court. I hit it smoothly, but used most of my strength to get it right. I exerted my power into it so that I'd hit it... right... into... the basket! I heard a crash, signalling that I succeeded. I wasn't gonna lie. I was pretty proud. But wait- there were people there, too.

    All heads turned towards me. Great.

    I didn't even notice how the rest of the team was already there, at the corner of the gym, staring at me. A pretty short guy-shorter than Hinata- with spiky hair and a little blonde streak in the middle. A crazy-looking dude with a shaved head...

    I stopped examining them because I got very scared. They looked shocked and... THREATENING!

    I did the first thing that came to mind. "I'm so, so sorry! I-I just hit it! It wasn't even mine, I'm sorry!" I bowed and held my arm since it had no muscles and was very exhausted from that singular hit lol (I feel ya, (y/n), I feel ya...). Yet they all continued to stare.

    The short boy with the blonde part was the first of the boys to react, dashing towards me and shouting wildly.

    "WOWW! THAT RECEIVE WAS AMAZING!" He had a wide grin plastered on his face and his energy level seemed to match Hinata's pretty closely. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! HAVE YOU PLAYED BEFORE??"

    "N-no, I-" I started saying.

    "WOW~! I'm Nishinoya, but you can call me NOYA~ Nice to meet you! I'm this team's LIBERO!!" Noya said ecstatically. "You've got some natural talent right there! It was strong and accurate... And that must mean a lot, coming from me!"

    "T-thank you-"

    "How did you make that decision so fast?" Another voice piped in. "When I spike, I'm like WHOOSH! And BAM, WHACK and BOOM it's in my hand and I go SMACK and WHISH it's flying and I feel at the top of the world, then WHIZZACK! A POINT IS SCORED! Whoop, whoop! But I don't ever decide where it's gonna go mid-hit. How do you do that? Did you mean to? OH, and I'm really, really, really sorry for almost hitting you, but at least you got to show your skills off to the entire club!"

    "I never intended on showing off or anything- I just wanted to hit it in the basket, I guess. Time kind of slowed down, and I..." I shrugged. "I don't know. It just came to me. But don't worry about hitting me. I didn't get hurt at all, so its okay."

    "WOW~" Hinata and Nishinoya responded simultaneously, in awe. I had to admit it. I kinda enjoyed the attention. Even the scary Kageyama seemed like I caught him off-guard.

    I turned around as someone tapped my shoulder.

    "Hey! I'm Daichi, the captain of Volleyball Club, and this is Asahi, the Ace," Daichi said. I looked up at both of them in awe. He looked a lot less scary than when I had first met him. Asahi gave me a shy wave, but they both seemed ecstatic. Also, I was quite shocked to see that Asahi acted nothing like his looks lmaolmao. "You have some serious talent right there. Suga told me that you're coming to our practices from now on, right? I really hope you join the club! We can use an extra person to practice with us!"

    "I-I don't know... I'm not that great. I'm not athletic at all, either. Also... I'm a girl..." I said shyly.

    "The fact that you're a girl has nothing to do with it! And if you're not athletic, then your technique and dedication will make up for it. You should seriously consider joining. I'm not sure about playing in real games, but I know you could help us with team matches during practice," Suga suggested.

    "Hm, I'm not sure..."

    "Will you at least play with us today? You understand the game and positions and everything, right? At least try, please?" Hinata pleaded. I smiled.

    "O-okay. I... will try m-my best," I stated nervously. "...but I've never played before, so prepare to lose if you're on my team."

    "Well, that's not necessarily true," Daichi pointed out. "You're above average height for a girl. About 5'6.5''? Well, it wouldn't hurt to try either way," I nodded my head in response.

    "I'll do it. I'll fill out an application if I like practice, I guess," I said, more confidently this time. I guess it was about time I made new friends. I grabbed all my mental insecurities about volleyball and threw them out of my brain. Maybe I'd like volleyball. It'd make my parents happy, especially my mother, who had been the one to teach me about it in the first place.

    I had no idea that it would be on my first day attending Karasuno, either. I looked towards the ceiling, and marveled for a second about how the lights resembled stars.

    This is what it must have felt like. To be wanted. To be admired. To be praised.

    I grinned at the brightest light. I knew my mother would be proud.

but i snapped out of it quickly since i was just a random girl with a goofy smile on her face nearly crying while staring at the ceiling in front of a bunch of confused bois

tbh, it felt like something out of a fanfiction story

kinda short but yay!
also i decided to make the reader on the taller side since most fanfics (no hate) have the readers pretty short ykyk-
sorry there's not a whole lot of suga x reader stoof yet, i prefer for the story to progress naturally as well as their relationship! i'll consider oneshots doe :p

-freetburreet <3

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