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Mori's POV

I walk in the house and wipes my tears and leaned back on the door then flops on the floor.
I'm panting hard from running and crying, forgetting that I have Asthma, and it's making me breathe hard right now. Hearing the door flicked from outside, guessing it was him, but it didn't open cause it was locked when I entered. The heavy rain and thunder start to pour down loudly outside. Gripping my chest and tried to breathe normally but failing.

"Why n-now.."

I forcefully moved my body to go upstairs and pack some clothes and go to Tetsu's house and message him that my asthma is attacking again, panting heavily in the process. I place my bag on the floor beside the shoe rack and went outside knowing that he's there and saw him sleeping and dripping wet.

I act like I don't have difficulty breathing, but body trembling from holding it in, I hold his shoulder and shake it to wake him up, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Go inside, you'll catch a cold, take a bath and rest."

I pulled his wrist and helped him go inside even though I'm having problem breathing. Heavy breathing, heart aching and body numbing.

"Take care of y-yourself..."

I look in his eyes coldly, then turn my back and gripped my chest tightly. I Hooked my backpack and ready to walk out but he stops me by holding my wrist again.

"Fuck, not now."

I whispered to myself and enduring the pain for it not be seen by him. But the trembling of my body can't be controlled anymore, it reached its limit already.

Lev's POV

I hold his wrist tight and looks at him with my eyes widen.

"Your asthma is acting up, isn't it?."

Clicks my tongue and pulls him inside forcefully, making him sit on the couch and walks towards the kitchen, rummages through the room and tries to find something that might soothe his breathing.
Hearing his wheezes from the kitchen made me tilts my head to take a look at him, he's now leaning his head on the couch and furrows my eyebrows, continuing on searching for the item. Finally found the inhaler and grabs it with me, running to the living room from where he's at.

"Hold still. You're struggling too much."

Lifting his chin up and places the inhaler to his mouth, gently pressing the inhaler.

"It's no need to go outside when you already have an item to soothe your asthma. What are you, 5?"

Mori's POV

Frowns at him and getting pissed and annoyed on what he just said. I pushed his hand that's gripping on my shoulder and glares at him furiously.

"Don't touch me! and I don't want to hear that from you! as if you care! , let me suffer alone!. You don't need me in your life! so why bother helping! , I already know I can't have you just for myself. I told you didn't I, I live because of you, and now there's no reason for me to continue living. Once again I'm left alone and Yes!, I am always that fucking choice that never the one that's chosen. Just be with Akane!, forget about me existing in your life! just fuck off, Lev!."

I hissed and snapped to his face as I removed the inhaler and forcefully stands up and hurried my way to the door while panting heavily.

Lev's POV

Looks at him with an expressionless look and stands up from where I kneeled down.

"If you need me in your life, why choose Kuroo over me? Because I hurt you? Did you really think I liked Akane that way? Don't expect me to come running to her and do her things I did to you."

Bruised Heart [ YakuLev • LevYaku ]Where stories live. Discover now