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            I WOKE TO the feeling of falling, which I automatically assumed was simply my mind tricking me as it sometimes annoyingly did. That is, until I roughly hit the cold, hard, durasteel flooring with a grunt and my eyes flew wide open. I quickly scrambled to my feet, almost slipping and falling back to the floor once more as my legs got tangled in the flimsy sheets that had slipped off the bed with me. I wildly tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, blinking and trying to asses the threat.

"Finally! Maker, how can you sleep so soundly knowing we have such a high class mission today. I mean really, we're actually going to be flying with the Kylo Ren. I-"

As I realized the fearsome threat was only my bunkmate, Serri, I groaned and tuned out the rest of her speech, pressing the palms of my hands into my eyelids and relaxing from my defensive stance. We did indeed have an important mission today, but it certainly wasn't my fault that I actually enjoyed sleep like a normal person. How Serri constantly stayed her cheery self, even after everything we had done and seen was beyond me, though I appreciated her optimism at times when it countered and complimented my own pessimistic personality. It was how we'd become the best of friends, meeting on the first day of academy. She had approached me, of course, while I was sitting by myself during our midday break. I wasn't a very good people person and it definitely reflected in the amount of friends I'd had.

"What time is it?", I mumbled, cutting off a slightly miffed Serri who had still been ranting about the mission we were meant to be on soon.

"Well admittedly we still have about two hours until report, its 0600, but the day just couldn't get started soon enough and I was getting bored just sitting around. Plus it's always good to get a head start on the day, right?", she rushed out, smiling nervously. I gave her a playfully annoyed look and glanced back at my warm bed but figured I was decidedly awake for the day as I felt the last prickles of adrenaline making its way around my body. It was hard to stay even a little mad at Serri, who always seemed to only have the most innocent intentions. Key word; seemed.

"Alright, alright, well I'm up." I stretched my limbs above my head, then reaching down to pick up my sheets, and plopping them back on my bed before heading to the 'fresher. I quickly stepped into the shower, only taking brief pleasure in the warm water that cascaded around me since I figured Serri would soon be getting impatient. After drying myself and putting up my hair in a regulation bun, I quickly pulled on our special forces pilot uniform, a rank that belonged to both Serri and I. The outfit consisted of a long-sleeved, black jumpsuit that was cinched at the waist by our equally black utility belts. Over the top of it was our armored chest plates and to show our status, red stripes covered the top of my right shoulder while a First Order insignia was branded on the side of my left. The familiar weight of my blasters strapped to my thigh in a garter-like holster comforted me and I made sure my sleek boots were shined to perfection before pulling them on as well as my gloves, both pitch black of course. Colorfulness definitely wasn't a staple of the First Order, but I could appreciate the professionalism and respect that the empire demanded.

When I finally stepped back into the main room, feeling much better, Serri was practically bouncing off the walls.

"Stars, Aurelia, you sure take your sweet time don't you. Come on, lets get to the mess hall before they take all the good caf and muja muffins!", she nearly shouted, already halfway out the door. I rolled my eyes. I had definitely been in the 'fresher only thirty minutes. I bounded after her anyway, making sure to grab my helmet and datapad on the way out and tucking both under my arm while pounding a fist on the panel outside the door to shut it.

Even though we were up somewhat early, there was a good amount of personnel in each hall we walked, Serri getting stopped every five minutes as we'd pass another acquaintance of hers. I knew Serri was well liked among many on the base so I let her garner enough friends for the both of us. I was fine just nodding my head to anyone I actually did know or our superiors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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