4: Tyler

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Tyler woke up to see an unfamiliar place. Tyler didn't know what to feel. He felt a mix of emotions.
Scared, he didn't know who brought him here.
Relieved, he was alive. He was okay.
Confused, he had no clue what was happening.
The alleyway.. oh gosh. Am I alive? Was I kidnapped?
Tyler's thoughts came to a halt when he heard a familiar voice. "Tyler! You're okay!" It was Josh.
Tyler looked around at his surroundings. Machines, a door, a stethoscope, a relieved Josh, a sink. He was at a hospital.
He looked at his arms. Bandaged. White bandages with some red soaking through.
He looked at the clock. 11:46 PM. That didn't help him, as he wasn't fully aware about the concept of time. He was still half asleep.

Then he remembered Josh. "Why am I here?" asked Tyler.
"Tyler.." he said. "You were unconscious for 4 hours. I was there- the alleyway. I got there and you looked helpless, and then you collapsed.. I'm so glad you're okay."
"You were here this whole time? You didn't have to."
"Of course I had to. I'm your best friend. I'll get the doctor, you need rest. You look exhausted."
Josh left the room.
Tyler took one last look around the room. Nobody chasing him. No need to run. The only voices he heard were the ones haunting his head. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in his mind.
He remembered everything.

Tyler ran. He ran for his life, the wind going against him. He saw the streetlights come on, one by one. The darkness still reigned either way.
He didn't know how he got here, he barely even knew where he was. All he remembered was seeing them on the sidewalk. The way he ended up here was a blur. He was too focused on saving himself.
He looked behind him. Nobody. He knew they were creeping up on him. What had he done to deserve this?
He ran to the abandoned parking garage, climbing up steps to the top. He kneeled down and called Josh.
It was a foggy night. The only way he could tell where they were was by listening. He knew that if he saw them, he was too late. He'd have to surrender.
He couldn't surrender.
If he surrendered, he'd let Josh down. Josh was his only motivation. He cared about Josh. If Tyler wasn't there, he wouldn't even want to see what would happen to Josh.
He took a moment to look at his arms. Bloody, bruised, hurt. He finally felt the pain as he sat still, daring to take even a breath. He couldn't see his legs. They were masked by his long pants, which was probably for the best. He didn't know how he ended up like this.
Where was Josh? Josh was his only hope. Tyler had nobody else.
Josh answered the phone.
They were coming.
Tyler frantically whispered into the microphone of his earbuds.
"Josh, please hurry." He hung up.
He ran.

"Tyler? Tyler, you good?"
Tyler escaped his thoughts to hear Josh. He realized he was still in the hospital. Josh was with him.
"Tyler, I brought the doctor. He'll be checking up on you. Hang in there."
The doctor's here to help me. I'm okay. I'm fine.

"Remember me, Tyler?" Tyler shook his head. "I'm your doctor, Dr. Fred. I helped bandage you earlier. You doing alright?"
"Yeah," Tyler croaked out. "I think I'm okay. I just want to get out of here."
"Tyler.. I can't let you our yet. Depending on your state, mentally and physically, you might not be out of here for at least a week. We're here to help you. You're safe with us. Do you want to eat?"
Tyler nodded. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize how hungry he was.
"Your friend got some Taco Bell. I'll let you two be." Dr. Fred left the room, leaving Tyler and Josh alone with a bag full of crunchy shell.

"Thanks Josh. I don't know what I'd do without you," said Tyler, in a happier mood. He had been talking to Josh and it cheered him up. At the moment, he forgot about everything. "And thanks for the Taco Bell. I love Taco Bell."
"I know you too well," Josh bragged. "So, tell me what happened, if you don't mind."

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