Calm Down Time

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A/n~ I had this small idea a while ago, plus why not have the first chapter be about my fav ego. Anyway I take a request and hoped you enjoyed it. Sorry if it's kinda short

Nobody pov

The narrator was sitting in his room at his somewhat messy desk. He was surrounded by different electronics and equipment. The Host was in the middle of his talk show where he leads people on adventures instead of to their death like he used to do.

Host was getting used to using his powers again since he locked them away because of his fear of how much power he actually held. But the egos have helped him realize that he can use his powers without harming anyone. So Host started to do his talk show more often, again. 

Right now Host has been leading this 26-year-old man named Charley. Actually, let me rephrase that. The host has been trying to lead Charley on this adventure. Host's characters usually follow his instructions without a second thought, probably because there hearing a random voice in their head telling them to do things. But they listen and do as told, some of them even have fun doing the adventures that the narrator has set up. But this man is starting to make Host lose his patience. He's never had someone act so stubborn before and it's really starting to get under his skin.

"Charley will then proceed to the dark cave in front of him, as he walks towards it he can hear the sound of bats flying around" Host narrated. "Bats?!? Look you weird and mysterious voice, I'm not going in some creepy cave, especially since it has bats in it!" Charley says as he crosses his arm over his chest. Host growled lowly, "Host will not have another argument with your stubborn ass. As Host said, you will walk to the dark cave with the bats and continue forward so you can finish the adventure". 

"I'm not stubborn, I'm just not going into some stupid cave because some stupid voice told me to!" Charley argued. "Host tells Charley that you are extremely stubborn because you can not follow basic instructions. There is no reason for you to be scared, they are harmless fucking bats! You know what" Host yelled. Host then starts erasing some lines of the story in his new notebook that his boyfriend got him for his birthday a few weeks ago. "Let's try this again. Charley then proceeds to the bright and friendly cave since he wants to be a bitch about the last cave. There also isn't any bats or other creatures that could harm him" Host growled. "You know what, why am I even doing this why don't you come out here and go into the dumb ass cave" Charley accused.

The Host was about to argue back but his boyfriend Dr.Iplier came into his room. "Host, what are you doing? I've been knocking for a while now" Iplier says while walking over to his desk. "This bitch will not go into the cave, because he wants to be stubborn for no god damn reason" Host muttered. Charley then says "If anyone is a bitch then it's you". Host was going to yell back but Iplier took off his headphones so he couldn't talk to Charley anymore. "Host, relax. Stress isn't good for you. Take some deep breaths, ok" Iplier comforted.

Host took a few deep breaths and then he faced Iplier, "Host thanks you for helping him calm down". Iplier gave him a small smile, "I never seen you that mad before" the doctor commented. Host let out a small sigh before speaking, "It usually takes a lot to make the host mad since he is usually quite calm. But when people act stubborn when Host is trying to lead them, like Charley did, then Host will quickly get angry". Host then muttered, "Now Host's mood is ruined, anyway why did you need to see Host again or did you just want some company?".

"Oh right! I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out today since Dark is letting us leave the manor more often. I was thinking that we could go to the park maybe get some ice cream but not too much since it has a lot of sugar" Iplier says with a smile. Host smiles back, "Host would love too, he just has one request".  

"Of course this date is for the both of us," Iplier says. Host then smirk at Iplier, "So this is a date?". Iplier then started to blush as he stumbled over his words, "I-i mean i-it didn't have to be, I-i was just saying". Host chuckled, "Host tells the doctor that he is just messing with him and he is happy to go on a date with you. The host would like to go to the bookstore since it's on the same street as the park". Iplier took a deep breath in to get rid of the blush before he spoke again, "You have your own library but you need more books?". 

"Host is a fast reader and he has pretty much finished all of his books so he would like more" Host narrated. Dr.Iplier just shrugged, "Ok then. Are you ready to go now or we can wait if you want"? Host stood up from his chair as he said, "Host is ready now". Iplier stood with him and they made their way downstairs then out the door.

~Time Skip to when they're at the bookstore~

When they got to the bookstore Iplier opened the door for Host and they walked in together. The host had a smile on his face as he looked around. "You must really like bookstores" Iplier commented. "Host loves being surrounded by books, it provides comfort for him whenever he reads or writes," Host says as he begins walking to a specific aisle. Iplier follows him.

After about 10 minutes Host picked out 3 different books and after a small "argument" Iplier paid. After that, the 2 egos walked across the street to the nature park. "How about you go find us a place to sit and I'll go get our ice cream" Iplier suggested, Host nods in agreement. "What kind do you like?" Iplier asked. "Host prefers chocolate" the narrator replied. Iplier nodded and started walking over to the ice cream cart while Host started walking over to a hill that had a big tree that provided shade and sat down.

A few minutes passed and the doctor finally made his way over to Host with 2 ice cream cones in hand. Host smiled as he took his and Iplier sat down next to him. The 2 egos then sat in a comfortable silence as they ate. Once they finished Iplier spoke up, "Host?". The narrator turned his head to look over at his boyfriend and let out a small "hm?" in reply. "Could you read to me? I like listening to you narrate" Iplier asked. Host gave him a smile and picked one of his new books to read, he opened it and set it in his lap as Iplier leaned his head on Host's shoulder. Host then began to read the story out loud as Iplier closed his eyes and let out a content sigh.

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