Adventure Time

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A/n~ This chapter is a request from Virgil_The_Weirdo , I hope I wrote this good enough for you. Anyway enjoy and I take requests.

No one pov (A/n~ I tend to write in 3rd person more since it's easier but if you guys don't like it I'll stop)

Since the other's have proven to Dark that they can be trusted in public, he has let the egos go out when they want to as long as they ask first. Bing loved this new rule, now he can take his boyfriend Google to skate parks to practice more like their doing today.

Bing already had his skate board in hand as the 2 androids started walking to the front door. When Google opened it he was surprised but quickly went back to his neutral posture. In front of him stood 3 mark look a likes, there was a tall pirate, a prisoner, and someone who looked like Indiana Jones (a/n~ I will admit, I have never watched the movie).

"Suhhh dudes" Bing said as he waved. "Hey, youse know where we are" the prisoner Mark said. "I would like to know the answer to that question as well. I was just on another adventure when I suddenly appeared here" the explorer added.  "Yar the same thing happened to me, jus on me ship when poof I spawned here" the pirate also added. Google stayed silent as he pulled up his personal screen and checked something so Bing spoke up, "Well this is the manor where all the ego dudes live. We'll take you to Dark and he'll explain more. But I'm Bing and that's Google". The explorer was the first to speak up, "I'm Illinois" he says as he tilted his hat down.

"Yancy" the prisoner had said. "Captain Magnum, the best pirate you'll ever meet" the tall pirate said with a smirk. "Mark made a new video called a Heist with Markiplier, that's where they are from. I suggest we take them to Dark so he can deal with them then we can go to the park" Google finally said. Bing nodded in agreement and turned back to the new egos, "You dudes can follow us". The 3 were hesitant but followed after a few seconds.

When the the androids and newbies got to Dark's office door Google was the one to knock. "Come in" Dark had said loud enough so they could here. Google then opened the door and as always Dark was on the computer doing work as Wilford sat next to him. Wil was the first to look up and he smiled, "More egos!" He said excitedly as he stood up to walk over to them, "Wilford Warfstache nice to me ya". The 3 egos introduced themselves to the pink man, and then Dark came up and told the androids that they can leave. "I am Darkiplier, you may call me Dark. I'm known as the leader of the egos and Wilford is like the co-leader. You 3 will be staying here at the manor for now on since your egos, do you follow?" Dark asks.

"Will I still be able to go on my quests and adventures?" Illinois had asked. "Yes, as long as you let me know when you will be going" Dark answered. Captain Magnum then asked, "So I can still go out to see with me ship and crew if I wanted to?". Dark answer again, "Again yes, any of the egos can leave when they desire as long as you tell me and don't be gone forever". While Dark was talking, Wilford was looking at Yancy since he was quiet and had a nervous expression.

"Yancy, are you ok?" Wilford asked. Everyone's head turned to the man as he looked up at Wil, "Look youse seems like nice people and all but I don't think youse want me here. I'm not a good person and I've done some bad things, youse should probably just take me back to Happy Trails Penitentiary" Yancy stated. Wilford rolled his eyes, "We've all done some bad shit, especially me, so you'll fit right in". Dark then stepped up and added "Plus we would never leave an ego behind, we're like a family here". Yancy thought about it for a moment before nodding his head, "All right but knows if I ever do anything wrong youse take me straight back to Happy Trails".

~Time Skip~

After Dark explained in more detail who and what they are, and who Markiplier was they was let free to explore and get to know the others. Now it's been about a week since the 3 new egos moved in and they settled in pretty nicely. They all get along pretty well with the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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