New Arrival

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A/n~ I apologize if I write this character wrong, I rewatched the video he's in again and I'll try my best to write him. Anyway hope you enjoy and I take request :)

No one pov

Thins at the Manor has been relatively quiet... well as quite as the manor can get. There hasn't been much drama and there hasn't been a new ego since Chef Iplier but that was months ago. Well, that was until today that is.

King of the Squirrels was just outside in the front yard, he was currently in a tree talking and taking care of his subjects. As King was sitting on one of the branches and feeding a squirrel, he watched someone walk up to the manor nervously. "He has Mark's face, so he must be a new ego," King thought to himself. He decided to hide a bit longer to see if he was dangerous like some of the other egos tend to be. The stranger was holding a handkerchief like his like depended on it and wore a colorful button-up with a pair of glasses on his face. The poor guy looked so anxious and was even sweating, King decided that he should introduce himself and make sure he's ok.

King jumped down from the tree branch and landed in front of the new guy, which much of startled him since he let out a yelp and held onto the piece of cloth more. "I-i'm sorry f-for y-yelling like t-that" The stranger quickly mumbled. King just gave him a reassuring smile, "It's ok you don't have to apologize. I'm the one that should be sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm King of the Squirrels by the way, but the others just call me King" he says as he held his hand out for him to shake. "I-i'm E-eric D-derekson, s-son of Derek Derekson" Eric said as he shakingly took King's hand and shook it. 

"I-if you don't mind me asking, w-what do you mean by others?" Eric asked nervously. "Oh right, you're new. Uh, its kinda complicated Dark, and Google are better at explaining this. I know! I'll take you to them and you can see the others. But what I can tell you is that we are these egos that are created from Markiplier and his fans. We all live in this big house together" King stated as he motioned to the manor behind him. Eric nodded his head slowly as he processed what was happening. 

King then started walking down the pathway to the door and Eric followed behind him while looking around. As they walked King asked, "So what's your thing?". Eric looked surprised by the sudden question but quickly went back to his nervous state, "W-what do you m-mean my thing?". 

"Well all of us have our main personality trait or job or whatever your back story is. I'm King of the Squirrels and I love being outside with my subjects. I also smear peanut butter on my face so they can lick it off" King answers with a smile. "O-oh. W-well I help m-my dad, Derek Derekson, with the family business at the Derekson Charity Warehouse" Eric says quietly. King's face lit up, "That sounds cool, it reminds of Ed Edgar. You'll probably meet him later. Is it just you and your dad running your business?". Eric's face gets more sweaty as he gets more nervous, "W-well i-it wasn't always t-the 2 of us. I-i had a m-mom and 14 brothers, b-but they all died s-so now i-it's just us". King pouted, "I'm sorry, that's so sad. Well hopefully, we can fill the role of being your new family. I suggest we find Dark first, he's most likely in his office. I know he looks scary but he's really nice and caring" King said as he opened the front door for Eric. The nervous ego nodded and walked in while quietly mumbling "Thank you".

As the two walked into the manor they saw Host, Dr.Iplier, Bim Trimmer, and Yandere watching tv together. When they walked in all heads turned towards the two which made Eric even more nervous. "Everyone in the room then looked at King and someone Host has never seen before" Host narrated. "I keep forgetting your new" King giggled as he walked in some more, "Guys this is a new ego, I found him outside by the front gates". Everyone stood and walked over to them to introduce themselves. 

"The Host introduces himself first. Host knows he may seem scary and unsettling but he assures that he isn't" Host narrated. "I-i am Eric Derekson. I don't t-think your unsettling, y-you seem nice to me" Eric says in a quiet voice. The sentence made Host smiled, "Host appreciates Eric's kindness". Dr. Iplier looked between the two with just a "small" hint of jealousy before speaking, "I'm Dr.Iplier, I'm sorry to tell you this but... you're dying". Eric's nervous face quickly turned into fear as he teared up a bit, "W-what". Host nudged Iplier with his elbow and turned back to Eric, "Host tells Eric that Iplier didn't mean any harm. It's just a thing he says a lot, Host can assure you that you are not dying". Eric started to calm down as he hugged his handkerchief closer to him.

Bim Trimmer then walked up and held his hand out and Eric hesitantly shook it, "I'm Bim Trimmer! The best game show host there is and 500 points if you don't tell Wilford I said that". Eric just nodded his head even though he doesn't know who this Wilford is. Eric's thoughts were interrupted by a red-headed boy in a schoolgirl outfit walking up to him. "I'm Yandere, Yan for short. Are you going to go near my senpai?!" he said in a threatening tone. Eric put his hands up defensively, "N-no I won't, I-i don't even know who that i-is". Yan then backed away and smiled, "Then I believe we're going to be good friends". 

"Do you guys nowhere Dark is? I wanted him to meet Eric and explain the whole ego thing" King asked once everyone was properly introduced. "Host explained to the Squirrel King that Darkiplier was in his office with Wilford and Google" Host answered. King nodded and lead Eric down a hall, "Since Dark is with Wil, he's going to be nicer". 

"I-i thought that y-you said D-dark was nice?" Eric asked. "He is but sometimes he can get grumpy and lash out when he's mad. But he has a soft spot for Wilford, even more so since there dating" King answered. As the 2 were turning down the hallway to Dark's office they ran into Ed and Silver Shepherd. "Who the hell is this?" Ed asked while looking at the new ego. "U-um I'm Eric Derekson son of Derek Derekson" Eric answered while fiddling with his hands. Ed rubbed his mustache while thinking, "I've heard that name from somewhere". 

"P-probably my d-dad's company. Derek Derekson Charity Warehouse" Eric answered again. Ed snapped which caused Eric to flinch from the loud sound, "That's it! By the way, the name is Ed Edgar, if you want to buy a baby then come to me or my own company Baby Bulk Buy". Eric looked at him with confusion and a bit of concern, "Ignore him he's an idiot, I'm Silver Shepherd. If you need a hero then I'm your guy". Ed rolled his eyes, "Don't listen to him, he's a hero wannabe". Ed and Shepherd then started to bicker back and forward, King grabbed Eric's hand and led him past the 2 men "Eric and I will be going now" King called out but they ignored him. 

King and Eric then reached Dark's office, they stood there for a few seconds before King knocked. "Come in" he heard Dark call out. King opened the door as Eric hid behind him. Dark was sitting at his desk like normal while Wilford on the other side of the desk and Google stood next to Dark. "Hello King, what can I do for you?" Dark asked. "Well... I was outside and I found a new ego so I brought him to you" King answered. Dark nodded his head as Wil's head perked up, "Oh we have another newbie?" he asks excitedly. King turned to give Eric a reassuring smile, Eric took a deep breath and stepped into the room. He got more nervous at all the attention on him, "I-i'm Eric Derekson" he says quietly. Dark gave him a smile since he could feel how nervous Eric is, "I'm Darkiplier, call me Dark. To my left if Google and in front of me is-" Wilford then interrupted him by appearing in front of Eric. "I'm THE Wilford Warfstache, I can tell I'm going to like you. You seem so sweet... like candy!".

Dark snapped, "Wil focus and no candy". King then spoke up, "I already introduced Eric to pretty much everybody except a few". Dark nodded again, "I know coming into existence isn't easy but that's why we're all here together so we can help each other out. I will go into more detail later, for now just get settled in. I know most of us can seem... scary and a little weird but you'll fit right in". Dark gave Eric another smile, like Wilford said he can tell that he's going to like and protect Eric.  

A/n~ I realized that I missed a few egos in the first book so here's our sweet bean Eric! Hope I wrote him well, let me know. There are still a few more egos I'm adding so just wait ;). I hope you enjoyed it, remember I take requests and I'll see you in the next chapter buh-bye!

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