Chapter Two- Storybrooke, Maine

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A/N: This chapter and the story is taking place after An Untold Story, but just pretend that Regina never split herself and the Evil Queen and that none of the Jekyll and Hyde stuff is happening.

"Evil doesn't always look evil. Sometimes it's staring right at us and we don't even realize it."


Emma looks up with concern as Regina walks into the other room, "Regina? Are you okay? What did it say?"

Regina wipes away her tears, putting the letter down, "Please, Emma, if you're going to try to make me feel better, don't."

Emma's features soften with concern as she replies, "No, I know that I can't, and I won't. I'm... sorry about earlier. I was so worried about how you'd react to Hook, I- I wasn't there for you about Robin."

Regina takes a deep breath, "You wanna know why I got so angry? Because you're right. The Evil Queen is inside me. Always trying to get out. Can't expect you to get it."

"I've fought the darkness. You know I do understand."

Regina scoffs lightly, "All due respect, but you don't. You went up to the precipice, but you got pulled back before it consumed you. I was consumed. And I have to live with it every day."

"I can't imagine how that feels."

"It's exhausting. I'm constantly at war with my instincts. Like with Hook. My first impulse was to rip his throat out. Because it's not fair that he survives and Robin doesn't. But I didn't. Because now I know that's wrong. As much as I want to give in to evil, I don't. So I do good. And I hate every moment of it."

"You hate doing good?" Emma asks, surprised.

"Yes," she pauses, "It's complicated. I know it's right, but it always leads to loss for me. Yet I keep doing it now, and I keep suffering. But I know the Evil Queen can't return, so, that's how it has to be. I'll never be at peace with myself."

"That's not true. You fell in love with Robin and you were happy."

"Yeah, and look what happened. I am what I am. I did what I did. Many years ago I had a choice. Snow White told a secret, and I could have chosen to forgive her. Instead, I did terrible things. Unspeakable things." A tear falls down Regina's face, "That will always hang over me. I try to be the hero."

"And you have been," Emma attempts reassuringly.

"Well, it doesn't matter. There's no redemption for me. There's only suffering. Because now I have a curse. Because I know the difference between good and evil, and I'm caught between them. If I revert I lose everyone I love. Henry, my friends, everyone. And if I go forward, trying to be good, I have to live with my past darkness, and it's all well-deserved consequences."

"I don't believe that. I believe in you."

Regina stands, a sad smile on her face, "That's because you are good. But for me, it's a simple choice, really. I'd rather suffer than see that pain on the people I care about.

"This is my fate. I'm trapped."

Emma grabs Regina's hand, but turns away back to the computer when it beeps. Regina wipes away tears again, turning back into the adjoining room. She glances at the bookshelf again, then inhales sharply.

That was definitely not there before.

She walks over to the bookshelf and takes out the new book.

"Regina? Is everything- okay..." Emma trails off as she sees the book, "That's-that's exactly like Henry's..."

"Thanks for that, I was very confused." Regina mutters, turning over the book and studying it. She allows herself to be entranced by the mystery for only a few seconds more, before shoving the book into her bag. She turns to Emma with conviction, her tears replaced with determination, "Let's go get our son."


"I... almost forgot about this." Regina picks the book up.

"What's that?" Snow asks.

"It's a book I found in Neal's old apartment. It just, sort of... appeared. I hadn't remembered seeing it there before... ever."

"That's exactly like the book I found for Henry..." Snow purses her lips in confusion, "Well, what was inside it?"

"Oh, I- I haven't looked yet."

Snow smiles, "I'm not stopping you... Go ahead."

Regina shrugs, opening to the first page of the book, only to drop the thing like it's red-hot.

"Regina?" Snow stands, walking over in concern, "What is it?"

Regina shakes her head, "I- I..."

She trails off, eyes still wide with shock. Snow picks up the book, only to gasp as well.

"Regina," Snow starts, "Is that- you?"

"Yes," Regina nods, terrified, "And look at the first sentence; Regina and her daughter."

"Daughter?" Snow asks, focusing on the page, "Oh my gosh, you're right... You have a daughter?"

Regina nods, "How- how could I not remember?"

Snow goes back to reading, flipping the page around so Regina can see, "I have one guess."

"Rumplestiltskin," Regina rolls her eyes, "Of course. Just when I think he's done ruining my life."

"Regina... If you really have a daughter somewhere, we have to find her!"

Regina takes a deep breath, "Alright then. Let's get reading."

"Hey, look... Her name's Evie," Snow smiles.

Regina nods, "Evie. Huh. Well, Evie- don't worry, we're going to find you. Wherever you are."

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