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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Disney and ABC, Adam Horowitz, and Edward Kitsis. I only own my OC, Iria, and the story. Anyways, hope you like it!

"No. No!" Maleficent shouts, tossing her chair in a rage, "This is not how it ends! It can't be!"

"We, the greatest villains of all time, will not be left to rot on some stupid island!" Jafar shrieks.

"What we need... are successors." Cruella hisses.

"Successors!" Ursula spits, "We, are all, magically unable to produce children."

"Now, now, ladies," The Evil Queen chuckles softly, "No need to get so riled up. I- as it so happens- have the perfect solution to our little problem."

"Oh, is that so, Grimhilde?" Cruella asks, "What exactly do you have that would be of any use to us?"

"Ah, I see you still haven't got out of that nasty habit of underestimating me, hm?" Grimhilde asks, slamming a book down on the table. She leans down, whispering urgently, "Rumpelstiltskin. The greatest sorcerer to ever live. The Dark One. He lives in a different dimension, in a place called the Enchanted Forest."

One awkward second of silence seems to stretch on for eternity, before all the villains burst into laughter, and shout their responses at once.

Captain Hook barks out a laugh, "Really, Grimhilde? A storybook?"

He then takes another swing of rum and immediately bursts into a long giggling fit.

Jafar laughs as well, "How do you expect this, Rumpelstiltskin, to help us? From another dimension?"

Maleficent hoots with laughter, "Oh, I knew it! One day, I knew you'd go off the deep end! Don't worry, dear, I can't blame you!"

Cruella cackles, "Oh, Grimhilde darling! You sound crazier than my furs in humidity!"

Finally, Ursula slams her hands on the table and bellows, "Enough!"

Everyone stops their clamoring and stares at the angry Cecaelia. Ursula individually glares at each of the other villains, finally declaring, "I have heard of this Rumpelstiltskin. I believe he can help us. If, of course, we had a way to get to him. My sister and I lost our powers to travel between realms a very long time ago-"

"Oh, please, not this story again!" Maleficent groans, "If your sister cared about our vengeance, or evil, she would be here!"

"Oh, like you're one to talk!" Cruella shouts, "How many times have we had to hear the same old story of 'Oh, I didn't get invited to a party!' Grow up! We have real problems now!"

Maleficent hisses, "You know that wasn't the whole story! They wronged me! They've wronged all of us! And now, they're going to make sure we can never have our revenge!"

"Will you all just shut up already!" Grimhilde shrieks, "I have a way to help us! If you would all just listen!"

The villains roll their eyes but decide to give the Evil Queen the floor.

"There is a spell in here to summon the Dark One. With all our combined powers, I think we can make it powerful enough to bring him to our world."

Grimhilde opens to the spell and pushes the book to the middle of the table.

"So... What do you think?"

Ursula is the first to stand up, "I'm in. This could be our last chance to bring down Auradon."

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