Chapter Three- Camelot, Auradon

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A/N: The time setting changes a few times, so hopefully it's not too confusing. This chapter introduces my OC, Iria Lake, as well. I appreciate any comments or votes!

"Since when do heroes care about villains?"


Third Person, Iria:

Iria groans and leans their head back on the cold, hard walls of the prison cell. They let out a hiss through their teeth, partly feeling like crying and feeling like punching something. They're leaning towards crying, considering how dusty this place is.

Placing a hand on their knee to stop it from bouncing, they bite back the tears and take a deep breath.

"Why can't I just be normal?" They mutter, "Everyone else is doing fine, everyone else is doing great, and I can't even go on a fucking field trip without getting arrested."

Of course, they know exactly why they can't "just be normal." Well, partly, anyway.

Iria Lake has had an insane life, even by VK standards. I mean, the child of a squid who lived in Antarctica... already, not off to an amazing start.

Ever since they were little, Iria and her cousin had been joined at the hip. Maybe they saw a kindred spirit in each other, even at their young age. Maybe they shared some sort of unbreakable bond because of their family.

Maybe they were just sad, hungry little kids who needed a friend.

Whatever the reason, it was Iria and Uma against the whole fucking world.

Then Harry Hook came along. About their age, miraculously shorter than both of them, good at stealing, willing to follow orders, and slightly deranged. A perfect match. They pulled pranks, stole food, and just made as much mischief as possible.

Harry's little sister, CJ, tagged along for a couple of their adventures just because Harry didn't want her alone with their dad.

Harriet, Harry's older sister, became somewhat of an older sister to his friends as well.

Then comes Gil a couple years later. Tall, blonde, muscular even then, lovable, too sweet for the Isle, Gil. At first he just follows them around for a reason unbeknownst to them. But eventually, Gil becomes a part of their ragtag group.

They make other allies, like the Faciliers, Harriet's crew, and the Sea Witches, Uma and Iria's other cousins, but the only friends they needed were each other.

Fast forward about a year later, and they become friends with Jay. And Mal, but technically, Jay was first.

Anyway, the now-bigger group pulled even more crazy, stupid stunts than before. Things were good for about 3 years. Well, as good as they could be with the purple she-devil.

Iria and Harry sort of bonded over being jealous of Mal and missing Uma. Jay got in on it too, except he was jealous of Uma and missed Mal.

Then, of course, there was the Shrimpy incident when they were all ten. Iria, Gil, and Harry were with Jay at the market, stealing stuff when it all went down.

Then Gil leaves.

The shrimpy thing sets off the brewing tension between the shore villains (Ursula, Captain Hook, Morgana, Smee, and so much more!) and the inland villains (Maleficent, EQ, Cruella, Jafar, etc.).

Of course, they didn't have the resources for an all-out war, but there was rivalry. There were gang fights, stealing, pillaging, burning, all the stuff that usually happened on the island, but on a much bigger scale. It got to where everyone knew everyone who was on their side, and everyone who wasn't, with no scrap of doubt. If you spotted someone on the wrong side, you killed them.

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