Crushing.. I think?

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I've never been one to have a crush on anybody. All the guys that attended my school only fell for girls who wore mini skirts and a shitload of make up, and that just wasn't me.

But there's this guy who moved in down the street, and well.. I don't know exactly who he is?

I was outside getting the mail when I looked and saw a moving truck. A boy and his dad hopped out of the truck. The dad had a box in his hand and the boy seemed to be holding his little sister who looked around 7 years old.

I could barely see him but he had a mop of brown hair on his head and when he looked my way his light brown eyes met mine and I panicked and dropped the mail all over the sidewalk. I could sense his smirk.

Good lord, he's cute

After the mail incident, I decided it would be best for me to go inside before I embarrass myself even more. But that didn't stop me from watching from the window.

I didn't know what his name was, but I was dying to know. I even went to my mom, and I would never ask my mom for a guys name.

"Mom, you know those people who moved in down the street?" I asked her spontaneously. "No, I don't. Why?" She questioned. "No reason I just wanted to know."
"Oh, I see. You have sights for the boy who moved in?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Ew, no!" I lied, "I just wanted to know so If I ever ran into him I could greet him properly."

My mom smiled, "It's okay, sweetie, you don't have to lie. I thought the boy was kinda cute too."

My eyes widened, "MOM!" I screeched loud and ran out the room embarrassed.

And that's exactly why I can't take her any where.

The thought of the mystery boy burned inside my mind. How could a guy I've never even met before leave me in this state?

The last time I thought about a guy this much was in the 6th grade when I had a crush on Jeremy Thompson. Which resulted in my heart getting broken after I told him I liked him and he responded with, "eww!!"

After that day, I always had second thoughts about telling guys I like them. But I don't know, there was something about this guy that got me up all night thinking about him

Oh lord, what's wrong with me?

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