Chapter 2

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Here is chapter 2 :D

Photo above is Tate

Chapter 2:
Tate POV

"Guys we have something to discuss with you. Come into the living room" Dad called from downstairs. I sighed and got off my bed and went down to the living room. Scarlett was already there talking to Kyle and then the rest came in after me.

Once we were all seated they began to talk. "So we have someone coming to stay with us for a year" Mom began. No one said a word. "His name is Jamiee and he is seventeen. He will be arriving tomorrow so I expect all of you to be on your best behaviour" she continued. "Tomorrow?" Scarlett asked. "Yes, tomorrow afternoon" Mom said. "Where's he going to sleep?" Morgan asked. Morgan is eleven and he's twins with Mia.

"In Tate's room until we get a room ready for him" Mom said. My eyes widened. "My room?!" I exclaimed. There was no way I was sharing my room with a stranger. "Yes Tate and we don't want to hear any complaints from you" Dad said. I just rolled my eyes. It was pointless to argue with them. "You are all skipping school tomorrow so we can get the house ready for him" Dad said.

"If we're going to be home all day why can't we do his room then?" I asked. "Because we don't know what he wants" Mom replied. "Why are we taking him in? Don't you guys already have enough to deal with?" Scarlett asked. I nodded in agreement. "We thought it'd be nice to give this boy a better life" Dad said. Scarlett and I exchanged glances. "I'm excited about having someone else to play with" Kyle said happily. Scarlett ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Did you guys ever think to ask us about this?" Rose asked. "We are the parents and we will do what we feel is best despite what you guys think" Mom sighed. Rose just crossed her arms. "Of course" she replied rolling her eyes. "Rose don't start" Dad said. "Whatever, I'm gonna go" Rose said standing up and leaving the room.

"Seriously it would've been nice if you had asked us how we felt about this first" Scarlett said before getting up and following Rose. "Anything you want to say Tate?" Dad asked. "I'm not
sharing my room. I don't care if he has to sleep in here but I'm not sharing my room" I said. And with that I got up and left the room as well.

It's just bullshit that they think that they can handle another kid, they're hardly home as it is and having an extra kid here is just going to make it more difficult for us. I don't mean difficult money wise, I mean Mom and Dad are both super successful but it's difficult on me and Scarlett because whenever they have to go away we are stuck taking care of everyone else.

I walked up the stairs to Scarlett's room so I could talk to her about this. I mocked on the door but I didn't get a reply so I went to Rose's room. When I knocked I heard a muffled 'come in' so I entered. "Oh good, it's just you. I was worried that Mom or Dad were going to come up" Rose said. I sat on her bed next to Scarlett while she don't into her closet and shut the door.

"What's she doing?" I asked Scar. "I'm taking her to see Jayden" she replied. I nodded. Jayden was Rose's boyfriend, I'm not sure how long they've been together but it's been a while. It's actually pretty cute.

"So what do you think of this guy coming to stay?" Scarlett asked me. I just shrugged and shook my head. "I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing" I said. "Me too" Rose called from inside her closet. Scarlett chucked and asked me why. "I just think that Mom and Dad will realise what they've gotten themselves into and then they'll call it quits and send him back to wherever he came from" I replied. "Kinda harsh but I agree" Scarlett replied.

The conversation ended when Rose rejoined us. "How do I look?" She asked. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a pink shirt. "Fabulous" Scarlett said. I nodded in agreement. "Make sure you take a coat" Scarlett said. We lived in Seattle and today was all rainy and cold. Rose disappeared for a moment before coming back with her coat in her arms. "You ready to go?" She asked. Rose nodded and picked up her purse. "Can I come too? I feel like if I stay I'll get ambushed by Mom and Dad" I said. "Sure" Scarlett laughed.

Life as we now know it (sequel to My Best Friend)Where stories live. Discover now