Chapter 3

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Here is chapter 3 my lovelies. Enjoy!
Photo of Jamiee (can you guys actually see the pictures or are they not working?)

Chapter 3:
Scarlett POV

When they opened the door they revealed a tall lanky boy. I couldn't get a proper look at him as the sun was shining at a funny angle on his face. "You must be Jamiee. I'm Paul and this is Jess. Please, come in" Dad said opening the door wider so he could enter. Now that the sun was gone I could get a look at his face. He had dark brown hair that swept across his forehead, he had olive skin, brown eyes and he had five piercings in his face; four on his lips, one to the left and right side of the top and bottom, and a half ring through his septum. I sighed in disappointment.

He was sort of good looking, just not my type. I went for guys that were muscular and sporty; the jock type. "Guys introduce yourselves" Dad said. "I'm Scarlett. Nice to meet you" I said with my winning smile. "Mhmm" he nodded. Well that was rude. Whatever, it's not like I have to have anything to do with him anyway. Everyone introduced themselves and he was pretty rude to Tate and Rose as well but eased up a bit when he got to the younger ones.

"Sorry to do this but we actually have a meeting to go to so Tate and Scarlett will show you around" Mom said. "Mom!" I exclaimed. The last thing I wanted to was show this guy around our house. I wanted to show him to the door and tell him to go back to wherever he came from. "Scarlett don't" Mom warned. I rolled my eyes and then Mom and Dad left.

Morgan, Mia and Kyle went to watch TV and then me and Tate were left to show Jamiee around. "So follow us I guess" Tate said slowly. Jamiee picked up his bag and I looked around expecting him to have more stuff. "Where's the rest of your stuff?" I asked. "I didn't need anything else" he replied with a scowl. "You know you'll be here for a year right?" I asked. "I don't need anything else" he said again. I turned away and rolled my eyes. There was something about him that just bugged me. We walked up the stairs. Me in front, then Jamiee, and then Tate at the back.

I went down the hallway pointing at doors and saying who the rooms belonged to. When we got to Tate's room we went inside. "So dude you'll be sleeping in here until we get your own room ready. I hope that's alright" Tate said. "Yeah, that's fine. Where can I put my bag?" Jamiee asked. "Uh just put it on my bed and you can unpack later I guess" Tate replied. Jamiee put his duffel bag on the bed and waited for us to continue the tour. I opened the bathroom door and told him how it's shared and stuff.

I heard Tate's phone start ringing and he left the room to answer it. "You don't wanna be here do you?" I asked. "I don't know" he shrugged. "It won't be that bad. Our school is nice, the people aren't too bad. There's lots to do here as well, we've got a pool, a tennis court and a basketball court" I said. "Okay cool. Do I start school tomorrow?" He asked. "I guess so" I replied. Tate then came back into the room.

"So that was Mom. She wanted me to tell you that you are starting school tomorrow so you'll just come with us" Tate said. Jamiee nodded and we were silent for a moment. "I'll go get your bed out of the basement" Tate said. He left the room again and I sat on the bed and crossed my legs. "Where are you from?" I asked. "Philadelphia" Jamiee replied. "Oh, cool" I said. Jamiee nodded. "It must be pretty cool having the parents that you have" Jamiee said. "It's alright, whenever we go out to LA or New York there's always a lot more paparazzi than there is here so that's kinda annoying but yeah, it's fine" I replied.

When Tate got back we inflated the air mattress that Jamiee would be sleeping on for the next few days. "I'll go get the sheets and stuff" I mumbled walking out of the room. Jamiee and Tate were talking about something so I doubt that they even heard me. I went to the linen closet and got out some sheets and a comforter. I took them back to the room and dropped them on the bed. "I couldn't find any pillows, sorry" I said. "Can he use one of yours?" Tate asked me. "Why not one of yours?" I asked. "Because I only have two and I need both of them, you've got like ten" Tate replied. "Maybe I need all of them too" I retorted. Tate looked at me sceptically and I sighed. "Fine, I'll go get one".

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