Mama Momo strikes again - Ch 18

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Photo above is not mine, all credits to the artist
Izuka's POV
"Kacchan is gonna be SOOOOO pissed!"

"Oh calm down greenie. He can't be that bad!" pikachu blurted out.

"Yeah Midoriya, im sure when he said you can never love that half n half bastard he was just looking out for you!" Uraraka smiled.

It had been three days since I decided and admitted to my feelings for Shoto, thanks to my mom of course. I'm currently on call with Kaminari and Uraraka, the 'smarter' ones because they apparently knew I liked him when he was first introduced.

"Ehh..Maybe, but still this IS kacchan we're talking about ya know." I pinched the end of my nose.

"Just T-pose and assert your dominance to Bakugo! That's sure to work!!" Kami t-posed over the camera.

"Don't listen to Kaminari. If you love Sho, then explododork is just gonna have to accept that. Ah I better get going, bye guys!" The cheerful brunette ended the call.

"I better go too...I gotta clean up the cafe, cya kami!" I smiled and shut off my phone, looking around the empty cafe.

'I haven't talked to Sho in a week. I know I don't have to be so nervous, but I did fall for a villain! That's definitely still a surprise to me.'

I laughed at the thought and began sweeping up.

'However, I do need to find a way to tell Shocchan! Whether he accepts my feelings or not, I do wanna get it off my chest. I don't wanna go all out then get rejected and be embarrassed..But I do want to make it look like I put effort into it and that I do care.'

I began mumbling and listing any and all sorts of outcomes or ways to convey my feelings. My thoughts jumped from a simple letter, to a painting or gift. Maybe a date or hangout at my apartment? Does he like gardens or the beach? What would I wear? What if I make a sassy remark that annoys him? What would I say In general?!

As my thoughts swirled round and round, my body did too. I slowly danced around the room to the one thought I could control. A tune my mother had taught me when I was younger.

She would place the shiny CD into the player and I would wait until I heard the beginning tune and my mother grabbing my smaller hands in hers. We would dance around all afternoon, laughing and smiling. I would always ask my mom if we could dance together, whenever I had free time, whenever she wasn't in the hospital getting a check up, or whenever either of us were having a cruddy day.

I softly smiled at the memories while putting away the broom. The last bits of sunlight were drifting in through a few of the broken shutters, appearing in small lines where little bits of dust could be seen floating around. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I turned off most of the lights except for a few on the stage, and some booth lights. I placed my phone at the edge of the stages steps and let the song play. My mothers song.

I let the tune and rhythm completely take over as I let go of any of my worries and slowly began to waltz around on the dimly lit wooden stage. Times like this is what I loved. Just the end of dusk, not completely nighttime, but not completely daytime either. Things were calmer, the most calm at the cafe for me. No one was here, the only sound was the everlasting music and the fuzzy sound of cars passing by outside of the windows and doors.

I kept swaying and carefully stepping to the beat and taking note of the instruments used in the nostalgic song. I smiled as I enjoyed the song till the very end, ignoring any and all problems or distractions. The music faded out as small clapping came in.

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