Pshycopath Final

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He is here ,its time to showcase my great acting skills. I laid down on the floor and acted if i had blacked out. I just hope that everything goes well.

Taehyung's pov
I unlocked the door and went inside to talk with Y/n , but i saw her lying unconsious on the floor. "Y/n,wake up, are you alright!", she did not give me any answer, her eyes were still closed. Her body felt warm, i touched her forehead and it was burning hot. 'I don't have any medicines here..
...i should go to the chemist shop, but the cops are looking for me everywhere'.

Y/n's pov
Why are you hesitating taehyung, just go. "Guess what, I'll take the risk for you", he finally said. He carried me to another room and placed me in the bed, and went away leaving me alone. The door made a sound indicating that he had finally left. I opened my eyes and looked around to ensure that no one was around me. Now let's start with the plan.

Y/n started to look around the room hoping to find something useful. After few moment of searching she decided to give up."How could I forget that the great kim taehyung is cunning as a fox, arrgh!", i yelled in frustration. My eyes landed in the corner of the room, there was something that could be found in that corner. I went towards the corner and noticed a small corded telephone."FINALLY'', i screamed in the silence, my voice echoed back to me. I grabbed tthe phone, and my clingy friend so called as 'PROBLEM', showed her appearance again. The wires of the phone were disconnected and left me confused.''What should i do now?", i cannot move back once i've entered in the game.

Taehyung's pov
I disguised myself and went to grab some medicines along with some other necessities,'Y/n, hang on there a little longer'. I hurried my way back to home.

Y/N's pov
Only my intuitions can help me now. I started to connect the wires and it was finally done.'Please work , please work', i held the phone close to my ears and dialed the emergency number. For a moment i thought i had failed, the telephone did not make any ringing sound. But positivity came rushing in my mind when I heard a voice from the other side of the telephone.

Taehyung's pov
I opened the door, trying to make the least noise as possible so that Y/n does not wake up. I went towards the room and heard some sound as if someone was talking. I opened the door and  peeked inside. I saw y/n, she was not sleeping instead she was keeping the telephone back to its place.

Anger started to build up inside me as i banged the door open,she froze in her spot. ''What were you doing?'', my voice came, cold as ice, eyes turning darker and darker ever second. She tried to change the topic and started making excuses.''I had warned you, now face the consequence'', my evil side started to reveal infto reveal infront of her. '' YOU ARE DEAD'', i grabbed my pocket knife and held her wrists.

Y/n's pov
This man is turning into a demon now, i cannot believe that i ignored his stange behaviours for the past year, i did'nt notice the signs even once. I tRIED to run but he held my wrists. I have to run , its a now or never .''NO NOT TODAY, MR. KIM'', I turned and kicked him in his balls. He groaned in pain and fell down.
'Perfect', i went towards the door and tried to open it, ''WHY IS IT NOT OPENING!, panic started to build up inside me on hearing the sound of approaching footsteps. ''Its useless, accept you fate'', he took the knife and stabbed me in my abdomen. The door was pushed open  and i fell in the arms of a cop. ''Ma'am are you alright'', he asked me, blood started to strain my clothes.
''Call the ambulance!''. The other cops held taehyung and took him with them. The last thing i remembered was being called a 'BETRAYER'.

My eyes opened in the hospital and i was greeted by my mother. She hugged me and started to sob, "I'm sorry mom for being a bad daughter", I cried into her arms. She carressed my hair telling me that its alright.

Taehyung had some mental problems and he was under a treatment for the timing......'BETRAYER' , the word still rings in her head,"Yes, i was a betrayer,to my dad''. Y/n's life changed a lot , she realized that not eveything turns out the way we want. She never thought that she was bound in a 'PSCYCHOPATHIC LOVE'

Author's pov


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