Chapter 22

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Update day! So I'm starting to lag behind on writing more chapters for RB so this week's vote goal is going to be quite high: 2K votes:) Currently we're at 1550 so it's quite a reach

There will be a "what the fuck" moment here, fair warning;)

Lots of love<3

Chapter 22


"Are you sure you want to go to this party?" Sada asked from somewhere to her side. "I mean, it's his engagement party. Talk about awkward..." She trailed off.

Today was the day of Zeke and Angelica Verratti's engagement party. Important people from various families all over the country have been invited, including her family so it wasn't any time to lose face. If she didn't attend, some of the families might look for her and she couldn't put her parents through the embarrassment of their daughter not being in attendance.

"I have to." Was all she said to her cousin as she put on her earrings. "Besides, we leave tomorrow for France, I'm going to have to face him sometime anyway, might as well be at the party so I can get used to the idea of him belonging to someone else."

The plans for France had been dealt with strictly under the table. We couldn't risk anyone knowing the hideaway plans so it was mostly arranged by their associates. They handled the paperwork and the communications between the Vasilievs and the Belluchis so that they couldn't directly be seen planning anything.

"Why are they even sending Zeke of all people with you?" Sada asked as she touched up her makeup. "He's just gotten engaged, shouldn't he be off planning their wedding that's bound to happen in a month or two?"

Tatiana shrugged, looking at her appearance by the floor length mirror in her room. She had muted reds and golds as eyeshadow, hints of blush that made her already pink cheeks even pinker, and a bold red lip. She wore a long skin-tight backless red gown--one that Carmen had made her promise she'd wear to the party--with a square neckline and a long slit that went up to midthigh, barely hiding the small gun she had strapped to her leg. It was there for easy access after all.

"France was planned before their engagement was official." She explained to her cousin., turning to her. "These arent exactly plans that you can just endorse to anyone. Zeke planned and directed most of it, and we're staying at his mother's vacation home. Plus, it's his hometown, he's the only one familiar with the area."

"All right, fair point." Sada said, straightening up. "Shall we go?" She asked, turning to her after one last glance at her reflection.

Tatiana only nodded before walking out of the bedroom door and out of the apartment, Sada following after.

"Thank you." Tatiana smiled at the gentleman in his early thirties and who wore a crisp suit opened the door for her upon arriving at the Verratti's estate. She and Sada had gotten off at the precipice of the long U-shaped driveway that led to the grand double doors of the palace-like mansion.

The mansion was even bigger than Vasiliev's own castle-like mansion, with tall windows that during the day must've let rays of sunlight into the home, a garden with a small lake that stretched from the side to the back of the house, and four tall turrets that she could only believe were there for defense, and not merely just for decoration.

The gentleman next to them closed the door behind them and her driver sped away, their small entourage of soldiers for their protection and who made sure they hadn't been followed were at the car behind theirs, followed after.

"Ms. Tatiana, Ms. Sada, a pleasure." The man said, bowing slightly. "I am Leonid Karshtark. I have been sent by the Don of the estate to fetch you and lead you to your family, as well as give you a tour of the house if you wished."

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