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Oceania Esterez

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Oceania Esterez


Finally, my mother agreed to join me at the packhouse. It's been three days without Julian and it's been driving me insane. I miss him so much that I didn't know it was capable. The other wolves stare at me for two seconds before looking away and pretending as if I was invisible. Those who smiled I appreciated. Rachel has been trying to call me. I know she has a bunch of questions but over the phone isn't good enough. So that's also on my agenda for today, explain everything to Rachel.

"What are we doing here?" My
mother asked me as we walked through the main hall of the golden level. "You'll see," I mumbled as we got closer and closer to Julian. My mother's eyes roamed all over as she walked, she's unable to take her eyes off of the design of the place. "It has been so long since I've been up there," she mumbled. "I know," I sadly say.

Her eyes snapped to mine with stern written in them. "What's going on, Ocean? You're worrying me," my mother held my hand tightly, trying to get my attention and we stopped walking. "It's alright mom. I told you we're just going to see Julian," I assured her for the third time.

She sighed knowing she didn't have much of a choice in all of this. It isn't a big deal and she's met Julian already. I don't know my purpose but I miss him so much. We walked closer to his office and only stopped when were in front of the big pretty doors.

As expected the door was locked so I knocked on it twice and waited for him to open the door. As the door opened to reveal the soft grey eyes, I smiled widely. "Oh goddess," Julian gasped and I don't miss the way his eyes lit up brightly before pulling me in and wrapping his hand around my waist.

Julian snuggled his head into my neck and inhaled. My arms wrapped around his back and I wished to tell him that I missed him but that was too bold of me. "I missed you so much," he whispers against my skin making my heart quicken. It throws me into relief that he felt the same way. We were so deep in and I didn't realize it until we were apart.

My mother cleared her throat behind us and I remembered she was here. I blushed, pulling away as Julian slowly removed his hands hesitantly. "Zara, it's so good to see you," Julian greeted my mother. I don't allow her to see my face since I was flushed and blushing. "You too...um," I winced at her speechlessness.

"How about we go to the kitchen?" Julian suggested. I quickly agree to that for an unknown reason. Anything to get out of this situation. "Okay, sure," mother agreed. Julian and I walk behind her on the way to the kitchen. My breath would hitch for the split second that our hands would brush.

Julian drives me crazy.

"So firstly, how's Joey?" Julian asked as he moved around the kitchen to get three glasses. I sighed, already knowing what he's about to serve me. Julian takes out the blood bag from the fridge and tears off the tube before squirting most of it into the glass. My mother was stunned, to say the least. Julian was so casual about it and I didn't even complain or be stubborn. I think that's what got her so shocked.

"Uh- he's good. All better," mother quickly saved herself. I avoid her eyes as Julian slid the glass to me. Through the past three days, I only had one cup of blood which is so much more than I would usually have. Julian goes ahead to pour my mother a small glass of bourbon. She attempts to decline but Julian doesn't allow it and instead, he takes some for himself.

"You two are really close...it's shocking. I've never seen Ocean like this before. Not even with Dix or Rachel," mother points out and my cheeks tinted pink again. "It's no different for me. I really really like her, Zara," Julian casually says but his words hit the depths of my heart.

"Trust me, she feels the same even though she won't say it," mother grins and takes a huge sip of the rich bourbon. They act as if I'm not standing in the middle of their conversation. "Speaking of, I have a date on Wednesday and I'll love it if Oceania can stay here after work. Well, the entire night, I'll feel better that way," my mother announced.

The cup nearly slips out of my hand. This was new information. Unexpected information. It was clear as day that my mother didn't need another man after my father left us. She's made that clear that she'll never move on from him and she's okay with that. Because one day, she'll meet him again. So now hearing this, I've decided that it's some sick joke.

"Funny mom. Real funny. I don't have to spend the night here with Julian so you don't have to lie and make stuff up," I assured her. The look in her eyes told me that this wasn't a joke. "Um yeah, I don't mind. Oceania is welcomed here at all times, no need to ask permission," Julian assured my mother. She isn't off the hook like that.

"What do you mean by a date!?" I stormed and my hand slammed down hard on the marble countertop. "You know how the landlord has been asking for me to go out with him. Of course, I declined but now the price is too high and he says that one night and he'll decrease the rent. It's one date and it doesn't mean anything," My mother finally explained herself to make sense of it.

"That's bogus. Why didn't you say something sooner, Zara? Live here with me, it's so lonely with just me and I'll really feel better if you're here. Mom would want you both to stay here," Julian suggested. I knew this was coming. We talked about this before I left and Julian's heart is way too big. "Don't be silly, Julian. I have it under control," my mother lied and nervously took another sip.

"Please. It's free. I'll appreciate it more if you're here with me but if that makes you uncomfortable then there's room on the lower floor with everyone. I know before staying here was a problem with Oceania being so-called human and whatever but not anymore. Trust me," Julian fought back.


"No. I'll demand it then. A member of my pack is in trouble and I will help her. You're basically family. Don't deny me on this please," Julian was practically begging at this point.

"Under one condition I will agree," my mother finally says with a positive voice. The worth was gone and she wore a smile. It makes me happy when she smiles. "And what's that?" I did the honors of asking.

"Oceania lives at the golden level only."

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