Hyde-One More Night

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"Hey, Hyde. Special brownies again?" Donna asks as she walks into the kitchen, looking at the bowl I'm mixing. I snicker. "Yeah, I figured tonight was the right occasion with Forman and Kelso's return party. Tell them Mrs. Forman wanted to contribute, alright?" Donna laughs. "I can't believe Kelso's transferring back here just because Eric's coming home from Africa". "Yeah, he's just waiting for a punch in the eye. But you must be excited, you know, to see your little lover boy". "Shut up, Hyde" she says. "Yeah, I am" she adds, grinning. "Anyway, what's going on with you and Jackie?" "What? Me and Jackie? Yeah, like I'd talk to her". She smiles knowingly. "Well, I saw you guys have been watching Three's Company like you used to. And, to be honest, I could tell you were lying about needing a ride a few days ago. I saw you pick up her car". I sigh. "What are you doing getting into my business? It's nothing, okay?", I say, shooting her a look.  "I'm sorry Hyde. But why were you driving her car? Trying to commit a felony in it?" "I wish. She just got into some trouble, okay? She hasn't said anything to you about it?". She frowns at me. "No-I've barely seen her over the last few days. I mean, she came over once but that was just to do my makeup to make me less of a lumberjack so I didn't get any control of the conversation". She rolls her eyes. "It was just one thing, okay?" I say. "Alright Hyde, if you say so" Donna says and goes down to the basement, but she's smiling.

At that point, Fez runs into the kitchen with a very guilty expression. "What's up, Fez? Did you steal Forman's nudie mags again?" I ask him. "Yes" he snaps. "Okay, fine, no. I need to know even though I promised her I would not bring it up with you! You saved Jackie!" Of course she had to tell Fez. God, I'm sick of this crap. I do one nice thing and now everyone thinks I'm some kind of wuss that loves Jackie. "No, Fez okay? I don't want to talk about this!". "Oh, nonsense. You love her". "Shut, up Fez. I don't feel love unless it's baked into a brownie, okay? Get out of here or I'm going to hit you!". He looks at me hurt. "Sorry, man. I just can't catch a break. Anyway, I'm making special brownies for Forman and Kelso, alright? Don't tell them. We're gonna have a good circle tonight". He nods and goes down to the basement. So I guess everyone knows about this, and knowing them they won't drop it right away. This is going to be a problem. I think of us watching Three's Company together, which ended up being way better than I thought it would. Jackie seems to enjoy my company more than before, and we've watched TV together a few more times in the basement. She's been strangely not Jackie like-quiet and respectful even. I have to say, it hasn't been as terrible as I thought. I'm fine with our restored tentative friendship, but I don't want it to turn into something more. She's hot as ever, but one kiss and I'll be at her mercy again, having to buy her useless crap and go to stupid dances and stuff only for her to ditch me for Kelso as always. Somehow, I'm glad she isn't ignoring me anymore, although I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that. I just wish stuff could stay this way, but I doubt it will. Whenever my life is going well, it always seems to be quickly ruined.

-Eight Hours Later-

The world feels like it is throbbing, a fuzzy slo-mo of life passing by (yeah, I'm not sober). Tonight has been a success-I've lost count of the chicks I've hooked up with. Right now the guys and I are seeing who can chug the fastest. It's been great having them back. We already vandalized two old schools in the few hours they were home before the party. And my brownies left them crossed as hell which has proven to be very amusing. Of course I'm winning, but Kelso's actually given me a run for my money. Gotta beat the pretty boy. I gulp my millionth beer in a few seconds and slam it down on the ground. Kelso glares at me. "Fine, Hyde, you're the winner". Forman and Fez cheer and pour beer on me. I'm so gone I don't even care. Instead I put my hands in the air, spin around and imagine I'm winning the Olympics. Everything is perfect. And then suddenly....it isn't. I remember what is going on. What I need. My swirling world crashes down and I can only think about one thing. "Jackkkie". "Need to find Jackie", I say, rushing through the crowd. I don't really hear anything they say, but I think I make out the word "hate" or "devil". You know, one of the two. Who cares. I dash back through Donna's house and past a Bob-like toupee, through the Formans' backyard and into their house. All I can remember is that I saw her at some point earlier and I thought damn she's wasted but I have no memory of where or when.

I run through the kitchen and down the stairs of the basement and.... there she is. Just like nothing has ever changed "Steven!" "Jackie" I yell. We run over to each other and it's like two waves crashing down into each other that have building up for so long. Only my body acts without the permission of my mind and she pulls me onto the couch on top of her. We begin making out almost animalistically, quickly starting to rip each other's clothes off. Wait...no. Can't do that in here. This feels so wrong, so I want her ten times more. "Comeon, letz go in the bedroom" I slur. She giggles loudly and I pick her up and run to my room, landing on the bed together in a heap. "I thought I lost my little puddin pop forever" she tells me in between our heavy rounds of making out. "Call me puddin pop baby, you know...you want.. to" I tell her. We both collapse in a fit of laughter. "You know we hate each other" she tells me. For some reason that just makes both of us laugh more. "We both did... worst thing possible to each other" I tell her. "What am I doing, being seen with a dirty loser like you?" she asks me. "Me? Get out of my room, you money loving airhead!" I reply, which is somehow the most hilarious thing either of us has heard. We start play fighting, throwing pillows and wrestling on the bed. "Oh no, you're gonna get all dirty, wrestling with a dirty loser like me" I tell her playfully. "Well too bad, you're gonna grow a heart being with a girl as pretty as me". My eyes grow wide. "Hey, you know what the most messed up thing is?" I ask. "I married Sam because I was more drunk than I am now and I thought I was getting married to you". "Ohhh only in your dreams am I that skanky!" she says. Finally we stop laughing. "Steven, we're so stupid. Who cares about all this. I hate you but all I know is I love you" she drawls, her voice laced with alcohol as she snuggles up to me. "Screw it, I hate you more, Jackie. I mean love you. More. Morest.". I feel a slight pit in the bottom of my stomach at what I just said, but my mouth has spoken for me before my brain can. We rip the last of our clothes off and go at it for a lifetime that feels like it lasts a second. Somehow she is a hundred times more sexy than I remember. She is a goddess with her curly dark brown hair, sculpted curves and smooth skin. 

All I can think about is not the past, or future, but how much I want her right now. How no matter how close we get, I will never be close enough to her. How sex with her is better than all the other chicks I have boned combined. It's like Fez's shitty car versus a Corvette. The hours blur together, and at some point we must have given into sleep, but who could possibly tell when. 

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