Sway LA

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A/N: Hey! Welcome to first fanfiction, kinda nervous! Dunno how this is gonna go but my aim for this story is to try and keep it as realistic as possible but speed through the story but also not keep you waiting lol

Happy Reading!


Six months with a bunch of boys. I thought to myself. I turned over to reach for my phone and saw a bunch of text messages from my best friend, Kate.

K 🧚‍♀️💌

Today is the day bitch!

Wake up!

Its 9am!

Get up girl!

You moving in to your new house with a bunch of hot guys!!!

Its any girls dream!!

Sway LA here she comes!!!

You really do be doing the most sometimes.

Morning btw 💕

Open up! I'm at the door.
seen at 9:43am


Don't get me wrong, I love Kate but she can be extra sometimes. I'm gonna miss her so much though. To give you the back story on how I managed to get myself,well sort of, in the Sway LA house.

The manager of Sway La is my aunt. Crazy lady I tell you. My parents are going on a business trip for the next 6 month and well I somewhat needed somewhere to stay. I was happy with moving in alone but my aunt had whole tizz about it because she wanted to 'watch over me' and she thought the Sway house would be perfect because she is always there.

So here I am today, 3 months later, moving into the Sway house. I'm nervous. I'm shit nervous. Apparently these guys are tik tokers and youtubers. I've seen a few of their videos and its alright I suppose but it seems like I'm in for sleepless nights and some real crack head energy.


I roll out of bed and skip down the stairs to open for Kate. She had the biggest smile on her face as well as her crazy messy bun she does. Its kind of her signature thing now. I get pulled into a hug and then spun around and pulled back upstairs.

Kate walks into my room and pauses...

Bailey: What?!

Kate: You haven't packed? You leave this afternoon and you haven't packed? Bitch the fuck? What you doing?

I giggle at her.

Kate: What are you without me? Pull out the suit cases.

Kate turns to glace at my closet.

Kate: We gonna need 4 suitcases and 1 extra for shoes. Let's get going Bailey. We don't have much time!

I turned some music on and got packing with Kate. To be honest, I didn't pack because I wanted to do it with Kate and I knew she would help me without a doubt.



I fall back onto my bed.

Bailey: 5 rough hours later and we are done!

I turn to Kate and notice a tear roll down her cheek.

Bailey: hey baby! Whats wrong?

Kate: I'm gonna miss you. This room is filled with so many memories. From laughter to tears. We experienced it all. Together. In this exact room.

Bailey: I'm going to miss you too baby! But promise to face time every single day okay?

Kate: Without a doubt bitch.

Bailey: I need to shower, I have to be at the airport in 2 hours.

I walk out my bed room and into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I select a Playlist on my phone and hop into the shower. It's crazy to think, I'm about to live with 6 guys I've never met before. This is weird. I wash my hair, face and body. When I'm done, I hope out and look into the mirror.

Bailey: You've got this baby girl, I say to myself.

I tear rolls down my cheek, I wipe it away and get dressed.

Once I was ready, I walked out and back into my room and Kate was lying on my bed. I didn't bother drying my hair, I just threw it into bun and grabbed Kate by the hand and went downstairs.

We have about 45 minutes left together, let's head to star bucks one last time I say to Kate.

Kate: Fun! Let's go.



When we return back from star bucks, I run upstairs and grab my one suitcase. The rest of my stuff are being shipped. I walk towards my room and do an overview of my room, one last time. My eyes got watery as I was gonna miss this room.

I get distracted by a call from Kate.

Kate: Your uber is here babe!

Bailey: Coming!

I walk downstairs and go in for a hug with Kate. We were both so emotional. I pull out of the hug and look at Kate.

Bailey: This friendship is unbreakable, Im going to see you really soon! I promise. I love you so much and you don't forget that okay?

Kate: I love you Bails! You have fun in LA but not to much fun

And she winks at me.

I walk out the door and into the uber. My life is about to change for the next 6 months and there is no turning back.

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