Faithfully Lethal

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Have you ever met someone with a permanent frown on their face? Disgust and anger towards nobody in particular.

Well, Lucius hadn't until now.

This little girl, eating in front of him taking huge bites and chomps as if she were living in some jungle. She had no care in the world with what people might think of her. In fact, she didn't care what Lucius thought.

That was very amusing to him.

When he looked her over, Lucius concluded that she was hot in a peculiar sort of way.

Those small pajama bottoms were black in lace. They hugged her pert ass he had seen earlier when he came out for a glass of water.

She also wore a huge white baggy t-shirt tucked in the waist band of her shorts. Such a weird combination.

At least for Lucius.

He liked girls, all girly girly, and the laces and the ribbons with the attitude. He loved especially was the attitude. Be it bratty, sassy, whiny, anything.

He'd liked it.

However, Miss frown here has an attitude but it was mostly hostile and maybe a bit of aloofness. Why was so she angry at him?

A hand snakes into his lap, and his gaze moves back to his current apparently girlfriend, Hannah. Well, they had discuss their girlfriend-boyfriend status yet she had introduced him already like that. No point in arguing.

He would allow it. For now.

Besides, Lucius kinda liked Hannah. She was smart, sexy and had a bang-able body. Long legs that wrapped around his waist few hours ago. Though, they had a sufficient climax it left him feeling dull.

It would be probably because of work. Ahh...being a cardio thoracic surgeon spews out the colors of life. It dealt with the problems of the heart and lungs.

Lucius specializes in a one of the sub specialized areas which is the heart.

That heavy pumping instruments that flows blood to the rest of the body. That one organ when stops, everything is gone. Yeah, he works with that one.

Recently, he just witnessed one of his patients  dying just in front of him.

It happened in this morning.

The patient had a sudden cardiac arrest. Due to his irregular heartbeat, he was already a walking cautionary. Yet Lucius couldn't make him come back. CPR was one of the emergency treatment he fell back to but failed to get the heart beating again.

Defibrillation is another but by the time they could get to it, his patient was gone.

He can't for sure say if this job made him feel happy or sad. Anyone calls for a doctor, it a symbol for doom. Of course, when there is chance of saving, the claim is deserving. Almost heroic.

He felt rewarded at one point. Saving lives brought such open joy to families, it was soul crushing when he had those moments to deliver the bad news. Such juxtaposing feelings brought out perspective.

Lucius had seen too much of death.

It made him realize life was too short. He'd rather breathe each day with a smile. In fact, he has never been the type to be angry or wallow in self pity.

He just wasn't that guy.

He faced each day with a full blown smirk and a sense of humor. Death was inevitable. It could happen any minute, any second and he planned never to waste life away with depression, anxiety and other hateful emotions.

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