Getting up

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You wake up at whatever time and you most likely didn't get any sleep last night because you were shaking all night. You feel normal today so you think that today could be a good day.

You go to the kitchen to have breakfast and after you eat you feel a little jittery but that could just be because you had some coffee and didn't think about what it does to you before you drank it. Your praying that it will ease over and not make you go into a full blown panic attack.

Your feeling okay because that coffee didn't do to much so you go on with your morning. Your constantly thinking about stuff before you do it so it doesn't trigger an attack. You get dressed and everything. Your doing your hair then you feel that your starting to get jittery again. You just brush it off and keep doing your hair. Then your heart rate starts to speed up and you start sweating and getting chills. "Why now?" You think to yourself very annoyed. You close your eyes and start to breath. It works for about a minute until it goes into full swing. Your sweating, having chills, tremors, feeling like you can't breath, mind is racing, your heart it thumping faster then ever before, you feel light headed, you feel sick to the stomach, and you think your going to die. You feel tears run down your face as your running to your pill bottle. You grab your pills and try to pick up a pill with your sweaty shaky hands. You finally get ahold of your pill and quickly pop it into your mouth and swallow it. It isn't going away right that instant so you think your meds are not working so you go to take another pill. But before you take it you remember that your pill still has to kick in. So you close the bottle and walk back to your bedroom and lay on the bed. You turn on the TV to try and get your mind off of it but that doesn't work so you close your eyes and start doing the breathing exercises your therapist taught you. Your sitting there praying to god that it will go away soon. Your still shaking but your meds quick in and it all starts to fade away. You sit there for a couple more minutes scared to move because you don't want it coming back.

You finally get up and continue your morning.

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