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Your still kinda shaken up from this morning but not to much. Your now really tired because panic attacks take a lot out of you. Your sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram until you get a text from your friend asking if you wanted to go to the mall with them. You reply with "sure" and go to get ready. As your getting ready though your mind is racing thinking about all the bad things that could happen and if your going to have a panic attack. You try to brush it off but they just keep coming back so you close your eyes and take a deep breath telling yourself that everything's going to be fine. But then you start over thinking your over thinking and then you start to feel an attack coming. At that moment you hear a car horn outside signaling that your friends are here. You breath one last time and head out. Your fine the whole way there until you get into a crowded store and you can't breath. You start having a panic attack but you don't want your friends to think your weird so you just act like nothings happening. You start fidgeting with your fingers and start biting your nails. You still can't breath and you feel a hot tear go down your face. You can't take it anymore so you tell your friends that your going to go to the bathroom real quick. You basically run to the bathroom hoping no ones in there and start to let all your tears out. Your trying to gasp for air but can't. So you call your mom so she can help. She guides you through breathing and calming down. After a little bit your calmed down and you thank her and hang up. You go back out and finish your shopping trip absolutely exhausted at this point.

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