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You take a shower and while your in there your mind starts to go back to all the mistakes you made today and mistakes you've made years ago. You finish your shower and eat dinner. This time you make sure nothing your eating has high levels of caffeine in them. You get into your bed thinking that your going to be asleep before your head hits that pillow but no no no. You start thinking about all the embarrassing things you have done in like the past 8 years! You start over thinking again and you start having a minor panic attack. Your sitting under your covers hot and sweaty wanting to come out but then your having chills and you want to stay under the covers. You close your eyes and roll over trying to focus on not panicking. Your gripping to a pillow and pulling at it because your going through pain. As it intensifies you throw the pillow and go to bite your nails. But then you come to find out that your nails are to short. So you end up clawing at your self or even biting your arms or hands. You scrunch up into a little ball shaking and crying. You pray for this to go away. Once it does your already asleep and it's like 2 in the morning.

You wake up with pain throughout your whole body from the way that you slept and your hands are all red and have bite marks.

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