Dantana-Relapse Chapter 19

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*Last Chapter

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*Last Chapter. No More Inspiration For This Story*

No One's Pov

Dani is now three weeks away from her due date. Santana and Dani found out that they were having another little boy. They are naming the baby Antonio Daniel Lopez. They are really excited for their new addition to the family.

Dani's Pov

Right now I'm in Santana and I's bedroom in front of the mirror looking at my baby bump. Why do I look I so huge this time around. I swear when I was pregnant with Ryan I was not this huge at all. I guess I didn't notice Santana walk into our room. She quietly wraps her arms around me and kisses my shoulder. I

"Baby you look beautiful."she whispers in my ear

"No, I look like a whale."
Santana giggles I turn around in her arms and glare at her.

"What is so funny Santana?"

"You know what is funny baby how amazing you look. I'm laughing because you think you look like a whale when you clearly don't . You're not gray or blue whatever color they are."

"Sanny this is why I love you. You always make me feel beautiful."

"Well that is my job baby."

*3 Weeks Later*
Dani's Pov
It is my due date and I don't think this little man wants to come out. I'm so uncomfortable, I'm like a big fat balloon. I look over at my sleeping wife who looks so peaceful curse her for her magic sperm. I need this kid of out of me. I quietly climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. As I'm walking a sudden pain comes through my body.

"SANTANA" I scream

Santana slightly moves. I would marry someone who needs their damn beauty sleep.

"SANTANA WAKE THE FUCK UP" I scream louder. I grab the closest object next to me and throw it in her direction.

"Dani what's wrong?" She asked confused

"It's time"
She shoots up out of bed her legs tangled in the blankets and she falls. She rushes towards me. She helps me get changed. The Lopez's were staying with us to help with Ryan. Santana quickly called her mom to tell her we were going to the hospital. We made our way to the hospital in fifteen minutes. We rushed and by 7 am. We had a beautiful baby. By 10pm the Lopez's arrived with Ryan. I couldn't believe that Santana and I made these handsome little men.

*I know it was rush please don't hate me. I just want to thank you all who keep reading my stories*

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