Relapse -Chapter 2

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Dani's Pov:

When i woke up santana was no where around. I got out of bed and made way to the kitchen. I made myself something to eat and sat down at the table.Santana walked into the kitchen she had so much energy. Something wasn't right but I couldnt figure out what it was.

Santana's Pov:

I saw Dani sitting at the table eating I went up to her kissed her told her I have to go reharsels. Before I went to reharsels I stopped off at my dealers. I got what I needed. I snorted alittle coke before walking into the studio. It gave me the energy I needed for this long day.

Dani's Pov:

Since Santana was at the dance studio. I decided to go and look at our nursery we had put together for our little boy. I opened the closet to look at his clothes and all the sudden I saw an odd looking box on the bottom. I never noticed it before maybe it was an unopened gift from the baby shower. I opened the box and discovered her stash. I thought she was clean, she said she would never touch this s*** again.

Santana's Pov:

After a long day at the studio I just wanted to get home to Dani. I was suprised she didnt call or text me all day. Maybe she was relaxing she has been really tired lately. I decided to pick up Dani's favorite food and suprise her. I walked into the house with the food and i saw Dani standing there. I tried to give her kiss but she moved away.

"What's wrong" I asked

"Santana what the hell is this" Dani said

She pulled the box out from behind her. I couldnt believe my eyes. I had to deny it was mine or i would lose her.

"Baby thats not mine" I said in a calm voice

"Don't lie to me. Its yours just admit it you relapsed. Dani said with tears in her eyes.

Dani's Pov:

How could she be so selfish. This is not the woman i fell in love with. She didnt say anything, all she did was stand there with no expression. I decided I couldn't even be near her so I went into our bedroom and locked the door. I layed down on the bed and let the tears fall.

Santana's Pov:

I messed up big time and you know the funny part is I didnt even care that I was about to lose the only thing good in my life . I went into the guest bedroom with my stash. I snorted a line after line until it all went black..........

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