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Kun walked up to the front door of Renjun's home, unlocking said door on his own and stepping inside. He had his own key, which he actually stole from the younger, and no cars were visible in the driveway. Meaning Renjun's parents likely weren't home.


He made his way up the staircase to Renjun's room, the soft voice of his being heard out in the hall. Kun gently pushed the door open, realizing Renjun was on the phone with someone. He was laughing though, who was making him laugh?

Renjun hadn't even noticed Kun's presence. It was only at the mention of the name "Xander" that made Kun livid, stepping into the cutely decorated room and practically slamming the door shut behind him.

The smaller boy's breath hitched, promptly clutching his phone to his chest as he turned to face Kun. "Privacy much?"

He then rolled his eyes at the taller male, bringing the phone back up to his ear and looking away. "I'll call you back later-"

Kun snatched Renjun's phone out of his hand without hesitation, ending the call and tossing it somewhere else in the room. That must've been a clear sign that he wasn't having it, because Renjun didn't dare tell him off about doing that.

Before he could even react internally Kun's hands painfully gripped his waist, being turned around and bent over his own bed like an object. Kun was no stranger to manhandling him after all. But this time something just felt off..

That thought in Renjun's head coming absolutely true once he felt the older bite his neck, certainly hard enough to leave a mark.

Renjun yelped at the action, the feeling just being so unnatural.

"What on fucking earth makes you think it's ok to talk to him before being with me? Oh kitten, I think you just earned yourself a punishment."

Poor Renjun had no clue what had gotten into Kun, and he was just ashamed to admit how much he liked it.

"Consent?" [cuz consent is sexy] The elder asked, his tone of voice temporarily changing into a much softer one.

Jun nodded shyly, Kun had never asked that nicely before.

He pressed his cheek against the sheets below him, pushing his thighs tightly together, one to create friction and two just to cut off Kun's access for a tease. 

But alas, he was much to weak to stop him, especially when Kun forced his knee in between Renjun's legs, leaving him very literally open and vulnerable.

These actions were just so rare, it was weird but oddly arousing at the same time. Renjun then flinched at the feeling of his shorts being pulled off, followed by his underwear.

Normally he couldn't give less of a shit about Kun seeing him nude, but he felt his entire face heat up even just being half naked right now.

Kun on the other hand was having the time of his life. His only worry being that when he got like this his sex stamina went through the roof, meanwhile Renjun couldn't last nearly as long.

But even then, it wasn't all that concerning because he didn't plan on pushing Renjun past his limit, he wanted it to be enjoyable for them both.

He smiled softly to himself as he slipped his hands underneath Jun's shirt, pulling off the peace of clothing and silently admiring the sight beneath him. He'd never actually taken the time to analyze the same boy he'd been sleeping with this whole time.

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