Chapter 30

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"Damn him. Damn him and all his friends." She swore angrily as she stomped her way away from where she had left the ignorant males. Awa was fuming, she was livid at the way they treated her. At first she didn't mind their teasing but then the teasing became truthful wishes; one that Tsu'tey scolded his friend for but probably shared.

Awa stared at the ground for a few seconds before lifting her head high and jutting her nose up in the air. They could laugh and belittle her all they wanted but her head would remain high and she would walk with pride for their opinion would soon be forgotten. Though it had only been a month or more since she started living with the Na'vi she had grown, her confidence that had been already high in Na'vi form had become more resilient and continued to do so with every insult, obstacle and injury. She had started to dissociate her two forms: the human one and the Na'vi one, if only to protect her mind from the acts Quaritch forced upon her and the various punishments he delivered to her whenever he saw fit.

The dreamwalker groaned and stared up at the sky as if the blue held all the answers. Her heart felt heavy in her chest but it was a comforting weight, it proved to her that her being there and learning affected them-that her presence affected Tsu'tey enough that he would go out of his way to acknowledge her, however mean and ill-intended as it is. Her muscles ached from the harsh training Atxa was putting her through even though it had been at least two days since they last did anything that physically draining.

"Awa" A sweet and commanding voice called for her attention and she turned towards it with a surprised widening of her golden eyes.

The voice came from a young Na'vi woman with a pearly necklace around her throat that glimmered and shone a radiant pink in the sunlight. The woman also bore clothing of high ranking such as the soft fabric that made up her blue loincloth and the intricate chest covering made out of branches and twists of darker blue fabric. The way she held herself also suggested her social standing: strong, confident and effortless- the posture of a born leader.

"Princess" She greeted and bowed her head as she timidly walked closer, all confidence flown out of the window as soon as she caught the attention of the daughter of the Omaticayan Olo'eyktan, Neytiri. Though her title was not often used as a greeting by those among her, such formalities were usually reserved to the Tsahìk, Olo'eyktan and a few other exceptions, she still felt a need to greet her properly to avoid embarrassing herself. It was known that at least in among the Omaticaya the princesses and princes, though there was only one princess at the moment, with their names and most of the time the Tsahìk was also known by her name; Mo'at.

"Neytiri" The princess corrected with a smile and a hint of an eye roll.

Awa straightened up and nodded. "Neytiri, what can I do for you?"

Neytiri cleared her throat and waved a hand towards the small group of four that stood slightly behind her and all had their toned limbs crossed over their chests as they gave Awa suspicious stares. "This is Lu'o," She gestured to the one standing almost directly behind her; a young girl that barely reached Neytiri's shoulders and unlike most of the Na'vi Awa had seen she bore a pink dress that draped down to just under her scraped knees. Her face was thin and full of sharp angles and harsh shadowing. "And this is Kaa," This girl had a hint of a bump on her defined stomach that was only noticeable when she shifted her weight from one foot or the other. She wore a loincloth that was purple and was a bit shorter than that of Neytiri but longer than Awa's, it had a slight decoration on the upper seam of it that hinted on a higher status in the hierarchy but nowhere close to a chief's daughter.

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