Chapter 33

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"Do you think he's gonna do it?" Awa whispered to her mate as the two sat together on a branch above where Neytiri and Jake was currently stalking a stray yerik. Their tails were wrapped around each other and shoulders brushing together every time they moved.

"I do not know. The sky-demon may get lucky." Tsu'tey smirked at her and brushed a finger down her arm. "Stranger things have happened", his smirk turned into a smile with just a hint of smugness and pride to it, his eyes twinkling and voice lowering into a husky whisper.

She snorted and pushed his knee. "Yeah, no thanks to you." Awa teased him with a smirk on her face and a slight dance of her eyebrows. "If I remember correctly I was the one who made all of this happen", she lifted her hand from the branch and pointed at him before her. "If you had your way I would have been dead a long long time ago."

His ears flattened in shame and his tail tightened around hers. A small whine grew in his throat that only she could hear, his pride too strong to ever let anyone other than her see him weak. Tsu'tey's eyes were staring down at Jake and Neytiri, not wanting to look at her as he thought back at all he had done.

Awa snickered but sighed when she thought back too at their shared past, all the screaming, yelling, pain but then all the happiness, the laughter, the love and the joy. "For being such a proud and confident man you sure beat yourself up a lot about the past. Stop looking back, we're not going that way." She placed a hand on his shoulder before leaning down and pressing a short, soft kiss on his shoulder blade. "We made it didn't we? Despite all the things we went through, and Atxa is about to be a father again."

Silence fell over them for a few seconds before her mate muttered: "I hope it will be a boy."

"Why?" Awa asked with a tilt of her head and a curious look in her eyes. "Sawari turned out great, cute and smart!"

"Great hunter, strong, but a boy would be easier. They already have a girl, why have another one?" Tsu'tey asked Awa, confused, the whole scene they were observing melted away.

"I don't know." Awa shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip. "They could always have more than two children, more opportunities to have boys and all of that."

"Maybe they do not want more children." His eyes stared into hers. "I do not think Atxa is in need of more children to make his hair go gray, you were the last straw." Tsu'tey grinned a toothy grin at her and bowed his head slightly. "I know I would have pulled mine off if I had you as a student. Rock brain." Her mate brought up a hand and gently knocked her on her forehead.

"Stop that!" She giggled and pushed his head away. "We need to see how they're doing. So, stay away!" Awa threw him a faux glare and scooted a bit away from him but their tails remained entwined. He raised his hands and let his eyes flash down to where Jake and Neytiri was crouching under a few green plants.

The yerik was grazing a short distance away and had yet to discover that it was being stalked before being killed. Awa felt a pang of pity for the gentle animal but she reminded herself that they only took what they needed and the yerik's soul and energy would be returned to Eywa, and protect Pandora. A Na'vi wasn't allowed to kill an animal until they were ready and the forest had given permission, so far Jake hadn't been allowed to do it.

Rain was falling all around them thought the mated pair was shielded from it by the thick and large leaves on the tree they were sitting in. Awa's eyes stared right at the still unaware Jake, much like he was staring at the yerik. He was preparing to kill it, Awa could see it, just like she had once done. This would be the final part of his training before Iknimaya and Uniltaron, a rite she knew Grace would protest heatedly against, but if Jake wanted to be one of the people he would have to find a way-- just like she did.

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