Five years later

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Mary's POV:

"Priest, why am I not with child yet? It has been three years since the King and I have married and I am still not with child. I do not understand why since both the prince and I are healthy."

I was consulting the high priest with a question of why I wasn't pregnant. "It's alright, my queen, I shall spread some holy magic all over your body to see the problem," the priest raised a hand to my head and I felt the holy power spread through me. It was like a bunch of butterflies were kissing me.

Suddenly, the feeling stopped and I saw the priest stumble back.

"What is the matter? Is anything wrong with me?"

"I-I fear that your highness has a curse on you... Your chest is oozing black magic..."

I was shocked at what the priest said, I possess light magic so how could anyone ever place a curse on me? Then I remember that day from five years ago... I couldn't believe it... The curse was real... Am I to be barren?

I sunk to my knees in depression, "M-My queen! Someone come quick!" Everything else was fuzzy after that. I couldn't think of anything but the thought of I might never be a mother...

Narrator's POV:

"Mary! What happened?!" King Christopher rushed in the room and headed towards Mary. She was on her knees and not saying anything, it was as if she were in a trance.

"Mary, Mary! Are you okay?" The King tried to gently shake his wife back to reality.

"Christopher... Oh Christopher!" Mary awoke from her trance and hugged her husband while she sobbed, "The curse... Rosalia... My child...." Broken sentences were made out through tears.

"It's okay Mary, tell me what has happened..." Christopher wiped her tears as she began to speak.

"Rosalia's curse... Has come true... I-I am unable to have a child... There's dark magic on me preventing me from having one!" She explained as she continued to cry again.

"What do you mean? You possess light magic so how can dark magic affect you?" Christopher looked at the priest, who was stammering his theory.

"W-W-well lady Rosalia was always exceptional at her magic... She must've been more powerful to overcome her majesty's light magic..."

Christopher scowled at his ex-fiancée's name, she once again has come to haunt him. Ever since that day, on the day Rosalia died, Christopher and the other men would have a dream of being in Rosalia's place and getting killed. It happened every year on the same damned day and no matter what they did, they couldn't be rid of it.

"Alert the others of this, we must have a meeting," Christopher said to one of his guards as he carried a now unconsious Mary to a carriage. (Haha dumb b**, you so weak that you faint after crying? Sorry, but I'm salty.)

After an hour, all four men were arriving at the royal palace and headed towards the king's meeting room.

"What is this about Chris? I am awfully busy with my duties, not to mention I have to go to an appointment with my wife, " Alex de Vivestia, new prime minister of f
Filaera, said.

Although Alex was the adopted son of the de Vivestias, since the only true daughter was now dead, he inherited the title. And yes, if Rosalia was alive, she could've inherited the prime minister title since women were allowed to inherit things.

"I am also busy, I have training with the Royal guard now, and I too, have an appointment scheduled with my wife," commander of the Royal Knights, Mason Redfield said.

"I also need to be leaving soon, I am this close to deciphering an ancient text from the arasia period. Please do make this quick," Florence, minister of magic, drawled.

"Say, do any of you remember Rosalia?" At the mere mention of her name, the room's mood changed.

"Don't even start on my dead sister, she has been a pain in my side even in death."

"I keep having... Nightmares about her, I cannot catch a good night's sleep without her haunting my mind." Florence complained as he rubbed his forehead.

"Today... Mary went to see the priest of the temple, she has discovered that she is cursed by dark magic. She cannot have a child," Christopher explained. The others were shocked at this.

"My wife too cannot bear a child even though we've been married for three years, " Alex added.

"Same with mine, we were going to visit the temple today to see what's wrong," Mason said. Florence, who was unmarried didn't have this problem, in fact, he couldn't even get a girl to look at him let alone marry him. He didn't mind it though since he wanted to focus on his research but five years of loneliness does take its toll.

"Is this simply purely coincidence?" Florence asked.

"I do not know, I have called in the high priest today to check your wives to see if the same situation is happening to them like Mary,"  Christopher said.

The wives were in another room with Mary, trying to cheer her up. One by one, they were examined by the priest and they all had the same condition as Mary.

Mason's wife, cordia broke down in tears. Alex's wife, Francesca was trying to comfort cordia even though she too, was devestated. Christopher's doubt of Rosalia's curse was growing by the second. Could she really have cursed us?

Christopher saw Rosalia as an evil woman so he wouldn't put it past her.

"Say, I know of a book that focuses on curses in the national library in town, we could drop by and see what it says," Florence suggested.

"Excellent idea, would you like to come with us Mary?" Christopher asked.

"I would, I cannot shake that whatever curse Rosalia inflicted on me was accidentally passed on to the others. I take full responsibility for this," (bleh, she makes me sick with her sweet talking, good thing the actual story is coming up!)

Cordia and Francesca decided to head home, they weren't in the mood for reading now that they found out they were cursed. In the end, Mary and her little group rode towards the library. Christopher could se Mary's depressing mood and asked if she'd like to walk the rest of the way to enjoy the view.

The group donned cloaks and walked through the busy street of the capital. This was where their journey to the truth started...

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