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Carmine's POV
It hurt me to see Cerise laying there possibly dying. She was part of my pack, I couldn't just leave her there to die with that evil Snarls. It took all of my strength not to go out and help her.
*Flashback to earlier in the run*
"Carmine, I have an uneasy feeling about being in the woods alone today." Cerise panted out. "I'm worried that I will see someone evil out there. I know that Jared is gone, but I can't get that thing out of my head that he said to Snarls. I'm really worried Carmine." She said stopping to take a break.
Cerise sat down and started petting my fur, lost in thought. I didn't want her to feel so worried all of the time. I nudged her side and whimpered sadly. If only she could understand my talking.
" I really wish that Ramona came with me on my run. I know that she hates running, but I wish that she was here to calm me down or protect me if necessary." Cerise whispered. "Listen to me Carmine. If anything bad does happen, today or any day, leave me and go get help. Don't try to fight off the person, I don't want both of us to be hurt. Go find one of my siblings and bring them to me. I know that it's going to be hard for you to leave me, but it's the best way to keep both of us alive."
I nodded and took in what she said. I didn't think that anything bad was ever going to happen, but I needed to be prepared just in case. Little did I know that that one day would be today.
* End Flashback *

I knew that the best thing to do was to get to Ben, Ramona, and Jayce. So I took off to find them. I tried to be as fast as I could, but it was a long run back.

I finally made it back to the house. I saw the teens playing basketball in the front yard still. I trotted over to them and started barking. They looked up and Ramona said, "What is it Carmine? Where is Cerise?"
I kept barking, frustrated that they couldn't understand me. Oh I wish that I could talk like them! Finally I started to tug on Ramona's sleeve hoping that she would get the message, and pointed my head into the woods.
"Carmine is trying to tell us something guys! I think something is wrong. Come on, let's follow her." Ramona said getting up.
I took off running into the woods, with the Badwolf kids following me. I had to remind myself that they weren't as fast a Cerise and I were. I just hope we make it to her in time.

Snarls POV

I sat on a log analyzing the scene I just created. I knew that Jared would be proud. But I felt slightly guilty. What kind of leader would I be if I let my pack mates die? Reluctantly, I walked over to Cerise's limp body to check her pulse. She is still alive. Her breathing is slowing slightly though. Jared wanted her dead, but I didn't. I had nothing against her and she seemed like a sweet girl. Plus she is only 15! I beat someone four years younger than me, and I beat up a girl! I told myself that I wouldn't let her die. I would stay by her until one of her siblings found her. I couldn't bring myself to bring her home. Just walking in the door being like, " Oh yeah here is your youngest child that I just beat to a pulp. Jared told me to do it, sorry."

That scenario just seemed wrong to me. Now I was feeling super guilty. I decided to write the young girl a note of apologies. After I wrote the letter, I tucked it in her pocket, hoping that she would find it and forgive me.

I knew that I would have to call Jared now and tell him what I did. So I called him, and he picked up right away.
S: I did it, I beat up your baby sister...
J: great! Tell me what you did exactly.
S: (tells him what he did, but leaving out the part about the note)
J: perfect! I wish I could have been there to see her in that state. I can't believe that you made her cry before I did! Teach me your ways!
S: heh heh, yeah. Next time I see you I'll teach you I guess.
J: great! Well talk to you later, I have stupid summer school homework to do.
S: okay. Bye.
*call ends*
I was very unenthusiastic during the call, but luckily Jare didn't notice. I don't want him to be mad at me or thinking that I'm soft. I'm not a softy, I just feel awful for hurting someone who didn't deserve it. Maybe Jared isn't the best influence after all.
Suddenly I hear footsteps. Her siblings have come! Thank god they can help her. I swiftly make my exit before they can see me. I hope that Cerise will be alright...

Ben's POV
Carmine lead us for a 3 mile run. I thought that it was a wild goose chase that C made for us. Boy was I wrong. We run into a clearing where Carmine stops. I hear Ramona gasp and run toward a tree. Jayce and I follow her confused until I see it. I gasp in horror as I see my baby sister sprawled out unconscious and severely bleeding. Ramona sits down next to Cerise and grabs her hand squeezing it. I see tears in her eyes. Then she starts full on sobbing. Jayce sits down next to her and hugs her as an effort to comfort his twin. I notice that he has tears in his eyes too. I blink back my tears and focus on saving my little sister. I bend down and gently scoop her up. Then I check for a pulse.
"Mona, Jay" I say to my siblings, "She is going to be alright. Look she is still breathing." They stand up and check for themselves, and nod confirming that she was indeed still alive.
We now have to get C back home. We start running back. This time faster than before. Our only focus is on saving our sister. I look at Carmine and mouth a thank you to her. She nods and nuzzles my leg. Then we continue the journey back, praying that we make it in time.
I decided that you shouldn't have to wait that long for this chapter, that's why I posted it right after chapter 5. Anyway, yay cerise is alive! And Snarls isn't as bad as he seems. Will he continue to show kindness toward others or not? Find out in later chapters. As always, I hope you are enjoying this story, and I'll see you tomorrow with another update.

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