(14) Brawl During Bookball

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Jayce's POV
The first day off school went by very smoothly. My classes were alright, and I had a couple of friends in each class. I'm not too happy about my science and sorcery lab partner though. Sparrow will probably be no help whatsoever.

After classes were done, I had bookball practice. Bookball is my favorite sport. Cerise is also on the team. She is really good, and I'm proud of her for earning her spot. I don't appreciate some of the other boys giving her a hard time though. They should be thankful that she joined the team. She is definitely one of our top players, and we wouldn't have won the Thronecoming game without her.

I went into the locker room to change into my exercise clothes. I also put on my cleats and mouth guard. When I came out of the locker room, I saw Cerise stretching. I waved  and went to stretch with her.
"Hey C. Ready for practice."
"Hex yeah! I want to crush beanstalk high again next week." She said smiling.
"Okay everyone! Get on the 50 yard line to start warmups!" Coach Gingerbreadman yelled, blowing his whistle. We all listened and went to start warmups.

After we got all warmed up, we learned a new play. We ran it a couple of times then did some work with the tackling dummies. I don't want to brag,  it I'm the best tackler one the team. I use my wolf strength and plow over my opponent's. Coach said that it's the not cheating, he said it's using our strengths. I mean the giants are huge and are strong tacklers, we need every bit of help we can get.

After we finished the tackling drill, we worked on conditioning. We had to do a cardio workout, then hit the weights. For the cardio part We had to run 2 miles for time, then do 50 burpees, 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and finish off by running suicides on the bookball field. It was not very fun.
Cerise and Daring crushed everyone in the workout. I came in third for the running portion. Cerise was first, and daring was second.

We did the rest of our exercises, then did upper arm strength work. We had to do 2 sets of curls, deadlifts, and snatches. Each set was 20 of each movement to the maximum amount of weight we could hold. By the end, everyone's arms were shaking. I was able to lift the most weight, because of my wolf abilities. Hunter was the second strongest. He almost lifted as much as I did, and he didn't have wolf abilities like I did.
The workouts were both very hard, but I'm glad we did them because it will make me a better bookball player.

Once everyone had finished their workouts, Coach spilt us into teams. He had the starters run against the subs. It wasn't really that fair, but the only way for the subs to get better was to play against better players. We ran play after play right past their defense, and blocked every run on their teams offense. We were totally crushing them.

Sparrow started complaining about how it was unfair is their team had to do more push ups.
"Rip to their arms" I said to Cerise. She laughed at my joke. Daring and Hunter found it funny also. Aaron shot us a dirty look. I ignored him and went to lined up for the next play. The ball was snapped to Daring, who threw an impressive long throw to Cerise. She caught it with ease, dodged Sparrow who tried to tackle her, and scored a touchdown.
"Woo hoo! That's how we do it!" I yelled giving my teammates each a high five. Cerise smirked and came jogging back to line up for another play. Before she could even get into position, Aaron came sprinting at her.

He smashed her onto the ground, and muttered to her "Rip to you. Yeah, that's how we do it." He got off of her smirking. I was so ticked at Aaron for targeting her. The whole team stared yelling at him.
"What was that for!"
"Foul play!"
"You just smashed our staring running back, who is a girl!"

I tried to control all impulses, and not wolf out at him. I just had to do something to defend my sister, but without getting myself kicked off the bookball team for reckless behavior. I walked up to him and pushed him hard. He shoved back, and tried to tackle me. I dodged his attempt easily and punched him. He started punching me. Now we were in a full blown fist fight.

"Woah, woah woah! Break it up boys!" Coach yelled pulling us apart.
"Woah there wolfie, dont come and attack me for hitting a little hood. I just proved my point, that she can't take hits." Aaron said smirking evilly at me.

"Excuse me?" I heard my sister yell. Daring pulled her up off the ground, and she marched over to Aaron. She looked him in the eye and stated, "I can take a hit Aaron. I just wasn't prepared for someone to target me at practice! Your supposed to be my teammate!" She walked away muttering to herself.

"Okay." Coach said, unsure of what to do next. "Practice is over. I'll see you here tomorrow at the same time. Jayce and Aaron I need to speak with you."

"Oh crap. I hope he doesn't bench me or kick me off the team!" I thought while I was walked over to meet coach.

"Okay boys. That wasn't spellbinding behavior back there." Coach said. "However, Jayce you are not going to be punished because you were sticking up for a teammate. Next time though Jayce, you don't need to get into a fist fight to prove your point. Got it?"

"Yes coach." I replied. I was so relived that I wasn't in trouble.

"Aaron. I'm very disappointed in your actions. You knew that that was foul play and targeting. That would not fly well if it were a game. If you do that again, I'll have to kick you off the team. But for now, your benched for the next game. Do I make myself clear?" Coach said glaring at Aaron.

"Yes coach." He grumbled in response.

"Okay you are both free to go now." Coach said.

We both walked away silently. I rushed into the locker room to grab my bag. I wanted to find Cerise and talk to her. She looked really mad at Aaron. When I walked out, she was already gone. "Dang it." I said, kicking a nearby pebble.

I started to walk back to my dorm, when I felt a strange wind. This wind grabbed my bag and flew with it into the dark forest. "Hey!" I yelled chasing after it. I chased after it for a long time before it finally stopped by a very dark tree. I stopped and caught my breath before retrieving my bag.

Just as I was about to grab it, I felt something stringy around my body. It knocked me over into a puddle. I struggled to sit up and see what it was. It was a net.


I tried to take it off, but it was too tangled around my body. Every time I got it close to getting it off, it magically re-tangled its self. After I tried to remove it for the 3rd time, I heard a sinister laugh that made my blood run cold. I knew that laugh too well. I started to panic once I realized who it belonged to.

I heard a crunching from behind me. The person who had magically taken my bag and trapped me in a net, stepped out from behind the tree. He removed his dark hood to reveal dark brown hair and gold eyes. This man was Jared. And he was holding a magic wand and the evil queens spell book.
DundunDUNNNN! Another cliffhanger. Some of you probably hate me for leaving you with such a good cliffhanger. Sorry! your just going to have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens next.

Also I just randomly thought of the name Aaron for the bookball player. I'm not trying to copy anyone. It was just the first name that came to mind.
- E 🤍

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