The Challenge

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Today started out and Ryuko arrived at school and saw a sign saying "challenge" apparently a member of the elite four. Uzu Sanageyama challenged Ryuko to a duel you looked at her and her face clearly said she was gonna go and take up the challenge but mako made sure verbally because y'know it's mako. Course Ryuko being ryuko said "your damn right i am." ANd so off to the gym where the things go on.


Sanageyama:"so you've come, transfer student." Ryuko looked at him and kinda grinned cockily if you ask me "one of you elites called me out, of course i would be here." You just looked on pretty bored considering the fact that you think you know how this'll end. Sanageyama looked at you and said "once i finish with her you're next." You looked at him and just laughed "HAHAHA WOW you shouldn't say you've won before you actually fight. Big mistake." He looked at you confused and elsewhere the evil one, known as fate nodded  in agreement.

You and Mako went off to the stands where you sat back and observed on what would happen it started out pretty interestingly with Sanageyama dominating Ryuko, dodging like verything and hitting her then she tried the afterimage thing but who does she think she is? Shadow the hedgehog? Sonic? Silver Chariot without it's armor? Fool. He easily followed her and did some more pummeling but then he did what every not smart enemy in an anime does which is: reveal how you're winning before actually finishing it. Jeez how dumb. He said something like "i can see all your movements!" and pummeled her some more.

But you see when she backed off still conscious she said something to senketsu that you couldn't hear but what came next was a surprise. She cut a part of senketsu off and threw onto all the areas with eyes and covered up his actual eyes.

Sanageyama:"W-What?! I can't see!" Ryuko then finished it off after doing the "fiber loss" thing, you looked on knowing it would happen then he stood up and said "NOT DONE! I'M NOT DONE YET!" Mako just went "so small..." apparently sizing up his er his lack of a 'sword' he was then whipped a bunch by Gamagori. Who ranted on about him being disgraceful or something and then you, Ryuko, and Mako left the gym cause it was done.

(Y/N):"So you took out an elite, how you feeling?" She looked at you and simply smiled "Damn good, that's one down three to go before getting to satsuki!" you looked at her admiring her optimism "Ok but how do you plan to defeat the others? WE have no idea what tricks they may have up their sleeve." She looked at you with a face that basically said 'good point' "wait hold on what do you mean "we"? you looked at her confused "What, you think i won't help? They're all after me too, why do you think at lunch yesterday you weren't attacked? I beat the crap out of the club leaders coming there." She looked at you surprised "You mean you took them on? But your kamui isn't even fully synchronized, or awakened whatever you call it." you simply smirked"It may not be how it normally isn't, but Akuma is still pretty damn powerful still" Akuma stated their opinion "Course i am, who the hell do you think i am?"

Ryuko:"wait your kamui talks?" you looked at her in disbelief and akuma made a kamui sound of disappointment "why wouldn't it? I mean literally he used to be fully awakened but then....something happened." She looked at you with curiosity but the expression you had made her not press on further

(Y/N):'that something is why i hold back too....' you shook your head shaking away any thoughts "So, Mako's mom making those croquettes again?" Mako chimed in cheerily "Yep! Her croquettes are so great! You want some Y/N?" "Yeah, i do. No idea what she puts in em but they're great! Let's gooooo!" You pushed forward now motivated by the fact that food would come out of this, Ryuko smiled and came up too "Hey, don't think you're getting any croquettes before me!" "Is that a challenge?" she nodded as you both zoomed off to try and get there first with Mako walking behind "Man, i'm glad my two besties get along so well!" she then ran after you two.

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