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Title is a smash bros. reference, how ebic anyway yes i skipped ep 9 where we see Gamagori's uniform and a flashback on how he met Satsuki but it's cause Y/N didn't go with em for that thing so yeah i'll skip things he doesn't take part in so after the thing Satsuki announced the new way for elections, you are your own candidate and other stuff but basically a bunch of pillars came up, normally there are 5 but oddly there was 6 but the sixth was empty the elite four and Ryuko were confused at this until you were on it and looked around "What? You think i'd miss a party like this?" You then noticed you pillar was near Ryuko's basically right next to each other and you looked at her "So tag team? You do one i do the next? ANd based on what happens i might jump in" "Heh you think i can't take them all on myself?" "No you might be able to, but i wanna get in some action too dammit." She smirked at that "Then we'll beat the hell outta them."

(Y/N):"So who's up first? I know you guys are gonna wanna fight us in a one on one or two on one if stuff goes south for us, so who's Ryuko up against first?" You looked around until Gamagori stepped down first since you just noticed the pillar order of them and then Ryuko went down "Alright let's do this!" They just stared down but i mean Ryuko transformed but Gamagori stood there and apparently the fight began later at like was 8am you sighed as Gamagori basically said "school first, fight later." Ryuko was disappointed wanting to fight now but Gamagori is Gamagori so at lunch Mako was making Ryuko wolf down the croquettes from her mom saying they give you a lot of energy it was a good time and all as you had some croquettes too, until a little pin thing slightly stabbed into Mako's forehead.

(Y/N):"Who the fuck?" A certain blue haired teacher who you didn't even realize was there if he didn't just arrive "Oi Ryuko who the hell is this? You look like you know em" "You serious? We're literally in the same class and he's the teacher." "Oh right shitty teacher that isn't really a teacher and is just posing as one for info. Anything i miss out?" He looked surprised before undoing the hair and taking off the shades "Not a word off, now as to why i'm here. I want you two to drop out of the fight against the elite four." You both looked at him like he just got major brain damage from a brick to the head Ryuko was the first to respond "You want us to do what? Are you high or something? Hell no we won't drop out, now i don't care what else you were gonna say but it doesn't matter what you say, i'm not dropping out and Y/N sure as hell isn't." "Damn right i'm not going to i'm looking forward to kicking the shit out of Sanageyama again either that or he actually trained and may entertain me for longer then last time." The 'teacher' sighed knowing he couldn't convince either of you and pulled the pin outta Mako's forehead and got back into shitty teacher mode instantly.

Mako:"And they're my besties so there's no way they can lose! Im'm gonna cheer them on the whole time, aren't you going to as well teach?" "Of course i mean they are two students of my cass so of course i'll cheer them on."he then walked off after that Ryuko was glaring at him and you just wanted to go over and roundhouse kick his soul out "Huh? What's up with you two?" "Oh, nothing now then it's time to fight, Ryuko you ready?" "Hell yeah i am!" With that you both went onto your pillars once again as Ryuko stepped up to fight Gamagori, they both transformed and... nothing happened

Gamagori:"Well? Aren't you going to attack me?!" "No, i know what your uniform does, there's no way you can attack me if i don't attack you!" Gamagori laughed and you immediately knew: this fucker was prepared for such BS "You think i wouldn't be ready for that? I'll punish myself!" He used a bunch of whips on his uniform and was building power from hitting himself then bursted and repeatedly hitting Ryuko with thorny whips and then she started to attack him repeatedly after every burst and you noticed that since you were witnessing this from behind some of the whips were hitting a 'spot' that most people know what is and fuckin hell that thing could ripple and then eventually she got knocked off and the two things that seem like they'd be on overalls got caught on a spike thus saving her but exposed her *ahem* bewbs

A not so normal school life (kill la kill male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now