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Yeah ebic title I know so creative. I mean I'm definitely great at what I do and know exactly what to do every chapter.

If you couldn't see the sarcasm then am disappoint but it's kinda hard not to see it but anyway welcome to the tenth chapter where exhibitionist girl get big mad. Drink the epic gamer juice or some nice 12 hour energy cause you'd need it to actually get hyped for this


After Ryuko yelled 'you biiiiitch1!1!1!1' she transformed while attacking Nui while interrogating her for some info on her father's murder and she was enraged even more when suddenly you heard senketsu say something like 'calm the fuck down dumbass.' She did not and then...she went into fucking berserk mode

Fucking hell this thing is disgusting eh? But anyway Y/N is having slight flashbacks to his time when he went berserk, anyway all she wanted to do was murder the hell outta nui then you stepped in

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Fucking hell this thing is disgusting eh? But anyway Y/N is having slight flashbacks to his time when he went berserk, anyway all she wanted to do was murder the hell outta nui then you stepped in

(Y/N):"Oi, Nui..." She looked over to be met with a punch that sent her flying straight into a building now you must be thinking 'wow Akuma transformation make us big stronk' why yes it does my dear readers but here's one thing i didn't tell you...currently Akuma is it's dormant state. That's right the punch was all you "Damn that felt good" Satsuki was apparently right there completely shocked at what she just witnessed "uhhhh you deal with Ryuko ill kick the shit outta her i have some revenge to dish out" but right as you said that your brain said 'one part of it tho' you nodded and then lept off to continue kicking the shit outta Nui

You got over there to where she was still shocked by the blow struggling to get up and you immediately stepped down right on her head pretty hard "Well well well, isn't this a familiar scene, ah but this time the roles are REVERSED" You then continuously stomped her fucking head in then threw her up and punched the living shit out of her and yelled one thing while doing this

"MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" a pause in the mudas for a"WWWWWWWWRRRRYYYYYYYYYY, MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA M U D A!!" With a final yell she was practically yeeted to a whole new dimension and you saw how beat up she was after that before she was yeeted away and then turned away and said one thing "Muda means useless, bish." You looked over at where ryuko was and mako was currently slapping her back to her senses 'damn i should try that sometime, looks fun' you then realized eventually you'll have a lot of questions to answer since you didn't transform and looked around realizing nobody noticed the extreme muda beatdown "Man that was good, must be what Giorno felt while punching the hell outta Cioccolata"

Then walking back you noticed the others were gone except Satsuki you were about to walk off before she grabbed your arm "You have some talking to do." She was transformed and her grip was fucking firm like holy shit "I have a better idea." "What?" "How about a bet? If Ryuko and you end up working together for something i'll tell you all how everything happened." She thought about it then nodded "Ok then." You then walked off and talked to Akuma "They're gonna end up working together so i'm gonna save it for later, but due to laziness the author is maybe gonna fucking abridge it." "Yeah probably but hey that's kinda good." "Yeah i guess. But time to head back to the apartment." "That you totally are allowed in" "Shut."

And so he went home and slept. Epic, sounds like a fun time anyway he just chilled in there the next day so we skipped episode 13, watch it yourself before you complain, it's basically just a filler episode disguised as a real one. Yeah stupid i know, anyway Y/N is just vibing in his apartment when he heard a motorcycle and looked outside

Y/N:"where is Ryuko going?" She drove off wearing a scarf you decided 'hell if I know but today is my lazy day so fuck off plot' wait I thought I flex taped the fourth wall "ha fool flex tape can't hold back KONO Y/N DA" oh no not this again, send rocket launchers, tanks send in the navy, i don't know just help me out- oh right forgot to mention, this now you're probably wondering how much of an impact will be made in the tri raid trip with Y/N there but here's the thing he's not gonna show up for that until it's over (in the background)"Wait i am?" 

So -insert timeskip here-

You had just arrived to look at everything broken and other stuff 

(Y/N):"Aw man, who caused so much chaos without ME?" You then saw Ryuko and Satsuki with a blade at the other's neck and then they withdrew and some dialogue happened, Satsuki left you walked over "Oi Ryuko what just happened?" "Y/N?! Where have you been damn idiot!" She then smacked you on the head with the bonk sound effect as she hit it "ow, i'l have you know i've been relaxing and then i came here cause that blue haired fuck told me you'd be here, so here i am and i demand apology for the head bonk." She then sighed "Fine, an apology." "Ok. I'm waiting for i-" You were cut off when Ryuko kissed your cheek and you looked at her, she was a blushing mess...kinda cute "W-Well..That good enough?" She was embarassed you then looked at her and smiled completely ignoring that you were kinda blushing as well "Yep. Apology accepted, now then teach is right behind you i'm guessing to say 'blah blah exposition, blah blah, save the world from life fibers' did i miss anything?"

You stared the teacher down as he nodded "Well you missed the life fibers are technically aliens, kamuis are made to combat said aliens even though they're made of 100% life fiber and i think that's all, Ryuko stood there shocked "Wait, you mean senketsu was made to fight his own kind?!" "I'll explain it more down in the base, follow me." You rolled your eyes knowing well this wasn't gonna end so well then you, Ryukoand Mako dived in after Mikisugi, oh yeah Mako was there, forgot that part. Anyway i think we can call that the end of this chapter.


Ok another down after a long wait since i got to it sometimes but never finished it and i was on vacation, so once i finish this book i will make 4 other books of Y/N then take a break, so anyway hate to keep you lot waiting around for the next chapter but i have to sometimes

Anyway, till next chapter see ya

Next chapter title: Answers and Battles

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