A Royal Love Story! - 3

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Hope Steel is the fiancé of Prince Adam Gray.

Thinking how it happened.....?????

The king and Hope's father are best friends and decided to get their children married, wanting to turn their friendship into a relation.

Well, that's what they (the king and Hope's father) think but the reality is different.

Hope and Adam are in relation for 5 years now. No one knows about it. When the elders decided to get them married their happiness has no bounds.

So, it was decided that after their graduation they will throw a party to make an official announcement about the engagement and after one year or so, the marriage date is fixed.

Even though their fathers are best friends, they were not friends from childhood as they both live in different cities, just met in few parties.

But in those few meetings they made a lot of cute cute memories with each other, Adam being the naughty one.

When Adam is 8 years old and Hope is 6 years old..........

Once Hope's father came to meet his friend along with his family. When all the elders were busy in talking our two little kids were busy in playing and teasing each other, well, Adam teasing Hope.

He did all kinds of naughty stuff with her.

(Chi guys!!!! What are you people thinking..... They are just kids.)

Naughty stuff like.... pulling her hair, pinching her cheeks, taking her chocolates, not giving her toys back to her and many more.

When she was playing all by herself with her toys, Adam was not playing with her cuz he doesn't want to play girly games. Suddenly he comes behind her and screams in her ears to scare her.

Listening to the sudden screen she was scared to death, the toy which is in her hands fell down and was broken.

After few minutes of realisation she started crying for the broken doll as it is her favourite one. Adam tried in all his power to stop her tears but all in vain. She crying her guts out.

He said sorry.

He did sit-ups.

He tried to make a deal with her.

He said he will buy her a new toy.

He even tried to cover her mouth as well.

But there is no use. She is not even stopping a minute. Now, he very tensed, he thought he will pacify her but it seems that nothing is working.

He did the only one thing which his heart told him to do!

He kissed her!!!

(Not so kid, I guess!!!)

It is just a childish kiss just to stop her crying, but to anyone's surprise even then she didn't stop crying.

She is sobbing like anything.

After a lot of apologising and kissing her, she finally calmed down.

(Him kissing her always is from childhood, I guess!!!)

(Him kissing her always is from childhood, I guess!!!)

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From there their journey started.

Whenever she cries for any reason, he always kisses but mostly on the cheek.

(Don't get any wrong ideas, just one time he kissed her on her lips, which didn't work obviously.)

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