Chapter 26-Shock and panic

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Before I start this chapter let me say how thankful I am to have hit 50 followers and to have all these votes on this story and comments. It's so nice for me to see people talking and filly understand the plot line,connecting with my story. Also when some people message me talking about it I feel like the happiest person in the world. And you make those small moments happen. Thanks😊
And sorry it's a short one,I've been with my family all day


"What happened Emma?" He asks.
"Then what's this?" He grabs and pulls up my shirt to reveal the scar.
"I already told you! But what the hell are you doing here?"
"I've come back. For you?"
"I need you,"
"No you don't,"
"Yes I do. And it's pretty obvious you need me too,"
"You need to stay with me,"
"I'm staying with my grandparents. Only for a week,"
"But you do know we're back to school tomorrow,"
"Ugh. Crap!"
It took a while to adjust to the fact that he was back. But I would have to. Well only for seven days. Which I would have to make the most of.

My school uniform was white socks,black skirt and blazer with a white blouse and dark shoes. I do my hair in a ponytail and apply natural makeup. I check my school bag and wait downstairs for Brenda. She comes a little while later,suiting the uniform,looking extremely smart and sweet. She's looking her best for Will. We meet Thomas outside the corner shop,I quickly introduce him to Brenda then we walk. I had to admit it felt a little weird,I usually walked to school with Thomas and we talked about everything but we couldn't-Not with Brenda around,so we break into conversation,mainly about movies, once we get to school we head into form. I see all the same faces,Thomas,Will and Alex aren't in my form or not many of my lessons. But I had Thomas and Brenda. We sat on a desk in the corner,many of the girls winking and smiling at the gorgeous Thomas. Brenda gets out all her stationery from her Five Seconds Of Summer pencil case. Sorting out her new timetable to mine. I do the same,sorting out my books. I have Science. I feel pretty glad about that,at least I'd be with Dylan.

Once I get to class I see Dylan all ready there,smiling as I sit beside me. It's a little weird to realise that a lot happened,since I last sat in the class with him.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah," I say,quickly squeezing his hand and getting out my text and exercise book. Handing him a pen like I always did,pretending nothing was between us even though no ones watching. We manage to stay like that the rest of the lesson. And the day.

I sit with Thomas and Brenda for lunch,the lessons going by very quickly. I head home from school with Thomas and Brenda,I don't know about introducing him to Alex,Will and Dylan-I mean he's a lovely person but still. I don't want things to be awkward..

(Thomas POV)

I'm lying here on my bed,listening to music when my phone rings. It's an unknown number but I pick it up straight away.
"Me Sangster?" It comes from an unknown voice.
"Um.. yes,"
"Your friend. Emma Dawson,she has been in an accident,it's the police calling you,"
"What! What happened?"
"I'll explain all. We need you here as soon as possible,"
"Of course,"

I hang up and sprint out to the address I was given. It's a small house. I knock on it frantically until the door opens. Stands there is a male,my age with pale skin an a slight beard. A hoodie over his face. He smiles evilly at me.
I panic and run but he grabs and shoves me inside his house. He locks the door and shoves me against the wall.
"I'm Josh's friend," he says "Now tell me where Emma is,"
"No!" I spit.
"Fine,I'll guess I'll kill you instead,"



Poor Thomas!!


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