Chapter 6

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The next morning Tony woke up with the sun shining on his face...

Before an absolute horrible smell met his nose. After having been so upset the night before Tony had let Peter sleep in his room for the night. He had his own room on the floor, but in cases like this he liked to sleep with his kid close to him.

He groaned a little before getting out of bed. He curled his toes in the fluffy carpet, which Peter absolutely loved to pieces, before walking over to the quite literal creator of the horrid smell.

It was a little early for him to be up, but oh well. Early day it is.

"Jeez buddy. You do not hold back for your old man do you?" Tony said, looking fondly over into the crib.

Peter just giggled a bit in response. "Hmm... Dada" he said while waving his hands around.

It had only been a few weeks since Peter had started calling him 'Dada', but it took his breath away everytime he did.

"Bambino... Did you leave a nasty surprise for Dada this morning?" Tony asked smiling down at the adorable boy, hair wild and eyes filled with excitement

"Uh oh" The boy replied, gleaming

"Yes, uh oh" Tony laughed.

He reached down and picked the kid up. Peter had spit out the pacifier before greeting his Dad, something that always made him laugh since the kid sometimes launched the thing.

He kissed Peter on his temple and took him to the bathroom to change and clean him up.
The little man was going to meet the Avengers today, so he was going to dress him the absolute best.

"Oh, moo moo!" Peter called out, extending a hand towards his crib. Of course the giraffe plushie, ironically named 'moo moo' had to come along on today's adventure.

Tony walked back to the crib, grabbing the plushie and the same pacifier from a few days ago.

He quickly changed the kid into a new diaper and some comfortable clothes and went over to the kitchen, ready to start their day. He gave Peter his favourite banana breakfast before making a dark coffee for himself.

The sun was slowly rising, casting a soft glow over the quiet penthouse. Well mostly quiet, apart from Peter's constant babbling. Ever since the boy had found out he had vocal chords he couldn't seem stop talking. They weren't words yet, but he was getting kind of close sometimes. Right now he mostly was able to express how he was feeling but did always have something to say. Peter was born prematurely and therefore behind on a few things, but at the same time quite developed in other areas. He truly had his father's genius. Probably his mother's too...

Eating breakfast was quite the messy affair, so perhaps it was good to be up a little earlier after all. That way he could at least prepare himself and Peter for the coming day.

"Buh buh buh" Peter babbled as he reached out a dirty hand towards his dad, always eager to share his food.

"Wow, really some groundbreaking theories there, buddy" Tony replied, walking over with a bowl of cereal. "No buddy, I got my own yummy food" Peter looked confused at being rejected. Tilting his head like a puppy.

"Buh bah?" he said while reaching out again.

"No eat your own food, bambino" Tony said, moving the banana covered hand towards the kid's mouth. Peter seemed to be fine with it and munched on his own fingers. Luckiliy it appeared Peter had dealt with the worst of the flu so hopefully there wouldn't be any problems today. Or ever...


They enjoyed their peaceful morning together before Tony had to start packing some things. Peter had never been in other parts of the tower so he had to bring some supplies with him.

Tony Stark : Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and...... Father?Where stories live. Discover now