Chapter 9

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After lunch they all sat down in the common room again. Peter was currently playing peekaboo with Steve from behind the couch. Peter would hide behind the couch and peek out with a cheeky smile and Steve would say peekaboo in a voice that sounded nothing like the Captain that they knew, causing Peter to burst out in giggles every time.

"I gotta ask though" Tony started, making the other conversations halt "what happened during the mission? You guys never told me about it and Fury hasn't called yet"

"We wanted to inform you that it failed." Natasha replied.


"Well-" Steve said, getting up from the floor and picking a hyperactive Peter up. "We indeed wanted to talk to you about the mission, but we got kind of distracted. The uh...-" It was admirable how the old man was able to focus while Peter was trying to reach for his nose...
"The mission failed obviously, we couldn't really find anything important, but we all had a feeling there was more to this base, but that we couldn't get to it without the proper technology"

"What do you know about technology, grandpa?" Tony laughed.

"So what do you guys suggest I do though? I can't do much from here"

"I guess it would be good if you would come along next time." Clint said.

"Next time?"

"Well yeah. We were hoping you would come along n-" Natasha begun, only to be interrupted by Tony.

"Nope. No way."

"Tony-" Steve tried to argue

"Steve I have a kid at home. I can't just risk my life again"

"Isn't that what a team is for though? To protect one other" Natasha reasoned.

"Look man, I understand. I really do, but you said it yourself we can't just decide to not go on these missions. If you want to step out of the initiative, be my guest, but making that choice has its consequences" Clint spoke up. There was truth in his eyes, something deeper.

Tony let out a deep sigh. "Well, let me at least think about it."

"That's alright" Bruce spoke up.

Everyone looked at one another, lots on their mind but not quite sure how to handle the situation.

A "uh oh" from Peter caught the attention of everyone in the room, breaking the silence. Peter was looking at his dad guiltily from where he was standing on Steve's knees. Steve scrunched up his face... Ah.

"Peter did you do a stinky?" Tony asked, having a hard time to contain his amusement. "Or is grandpa's old age finally catching up to him?"

The team laughed at his teasing, Steve going bright red.

"Watch it Rogers, your head might explode like that" Clint laughed.

Tony stood up and picked Peter up from Steve's lap. "Up you go" he said as he placed Peter on his hip. "I'll be right back". The man grabbed the backpack from the ground and went over to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Clint and Natasha were sharing a knowing look with each other. Sharing a quiet conversation no one but them would understand.

"I really do believe it would be beneficial for Tony to come along on the next mission" Steve said, still looking at the closed door.

You could hear Tony's voice muffled through the door, talking to Peter while the little guy laughed loudly at his dad.

"I do too" Bruce spoke up. "I think we just need to let Tony know that he can trust us. Even on these type of missions. Before New York he prepared himself and Peter for a situation where in which he might die. I believe it's important for him now to know that we have his back, even on smaller missions like this." Bruce said wisely.

Tony Stark : Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and...... Father?Where stories live. Discover now