twelve // 12

273 11 0

ag-butera pov

The boys were looking red as if theyre cherries. The flour was mostly on their hair and faces.

Luke was redder than the Red Sea. "It was her idea" The girls said pointng to me.

"ARIANA I JUST SCARED YOU AND U GIVE US THIS.." He said pointing the flour and his hair. "You scared her?" Ashton said.

Luke nodded. "Shame on you" Ashton said looking up and down at his body. "Good prank Ariana, It was worth it" Ashton said giving me a high five.

"Yeah Ariana, Lukes a jerk" Calum said joining in. As the other boys said 'yeah' while giving me a high five. I saw Luke looking down.

I felt kind of sorry for him. I decided I wanted to give him a hug. I stretch out my arms. Before I could hug him. He put whipped cream on my face.

The boys laughed and did the same to the girls.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I washed my face and head out to the living room again. I saw Brandon with Glenda.

They werent smiling at me when I smiked to them. They just rolled their eyes.

I head to my room to get my phone. Whem I got my phone I head to the living room. I heard whispers and 'important talking' Simce this is my house I turn on the tv and spongebob was on.

I put the volume on high. I laughed at the screen loudly not realising that all of them were looking at me. "What?" I said shrugging.

"Could you keep it down" Glenda said chewing her gum. "Excuse me, Dont talk to her like that" Hailey said rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah" The other girls said. "Whatever" She mummbled. "Glenda, Why dont you wait outside" Glenda nodds. "Ariana, Sorry about that" He said looking down.

I nodded. He head towards the door. When he was gone we looked at the boys awkwardly. "Sorry about the flour incident" I said looking down.

"Its okay babe" Luke said rubbing my back. He hugged me and I hugged him back. The other girls hugged their boyfriends.

We caught ourselves dancing on the slow music. "Would you be my girlfriend again?" Luke said still dancing.

"Yes" I said closing my eyes while my head is on his torso.


hey guys sorry for short chapter every sundays and thursday I will update. because of the new story im making. its not done yet so stay tuned if u want to read it.

°•°•°quote of the day°•°•°

I love u guys

- adelia // aka adeliaispunkrock //

stay rad ♡

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