ten // 10

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ag-butera pov

Whenever im sad he hugs me and I forgive him. I dont want to forgive him. I tried to break the hug and push him. "Let me go" I said softly. He let me go. "Ariana, Im very sorry" He said looking down.

"No" I said pushing his body towards the door. When he was outside I closed the door louldly. "Ariana" I could hear him outside the door.

I crossed my arms and watch Family Guy. When suddenly, I heard a knock in the window. It was Luke. He opened the window glass. He came in rubbing his clothes and smile.

He sat beside me and Joined. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Im watching family guy, Cant you see" He said his eyes never off the screen.


sorry I didnt update yesterday its becasue I wasnt feeling very well, sorry for short chapter to because I just woke up. I will update at night time.

-adeliaispunkrock // aka adeliaispunkrock //

stay rad ♡


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