four // 04

439 13 1

ag-butera pov

"You suure" I said looking at him like I am a detective. "Yes" He said. I looked at him in the eyes. "Okay" I smiled. "What room are you?" Luke asked me.

"709" I said scratching my forhead. "Its there" He said pointing a room beside the elevator.

"Its so far away from me" Luke pouted. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. I hugged him. "After you put your bags can you come to our place" Luke said.

"Yes" I said walking towards my hotel room. I opened the door. Its big but im normal with it. I unpack for 40 minutes. I got my purse and my phone. I wore my shoes and walked towards Lukes house.

knock. "O-hello" Luke said. I came inside looking around the room. Coke bottles everywhere. Boys sleeping in the toilet in the kitchen, oven? and bathtub.

"How can he sleep in an oven" I said pointing at the mysterious guy. He shrugged. "Ill go wake him up" I nodded and Luke went to that 'mysterious guy'.

I unlocked my phone and started scrolling through social media. Some guy spilled Beer in my shoe. "Oh sorry" A thick Australian accent said. I looked up to see Beau¿?.

I ran to Luke to hug him. "Woah, Babe whats wrong?" Luke said putting his chin in my forehead. "Nothing" I shook my head.

"Hey, Luke wheres Calum" a fimilliar voice asked Luke. I turned my back and saw Jai. "Shit" I said hiding in Lukes jacket.

"Ariana?" Jai said to me. "You know her" I can feel Lukes hand tightning. I turned around and Jai kissed me. I didnt kiss back. I pulled out the kiss.

"Luke!" I shouted. "I didnt kiss back Luke!" I saw Acacia whispering to Lukes ear something. "You son of a bitch" Luke said as he kicked, punched me and scratches appeared.

He whispered in my ear. "I love you" Luke said in my ear. But he continued punching and kicking me til I bleed.

Oncs theyve all went. They left me in the cold dark room. "He never loved me" I cried quietly.

"I do" I heard someone say.


Hey guys I wanted to continue but I like cliffhangers. Oops btw that picture is not mine I got it from we heart it so credits to whoever made it but ily for making this funny edit of yours ♡

- adelia // aka adeliaispunkrock //

•°•°•quote of the day•°•°•

stressed, depressed but well dressed

ilysm x

stay rad ♡

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