Chapter 1

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"Grace! Hurry!"

"Coming aunty!" I yelled back. I shoved my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and looked around the room, making sure I didn't leave anything I needed. Taking my orange colored suitcase with me, I scurried downstairs.

"You're such a girl!" , My aunt said as soon as I reached the bottom of the staircase. I looked up to see her in her light blue dress and her hair up in a messy bun. She was really pretty with her bright blue eyes and light brown hair. I could see why Uncle Tony loved her so much.

"You know, I technially am a girl so I can't refuse that even though I know what you are implying there but.."

She stared back at me, completely silent, and I knew I should shut up then. Yeah, I tend to use long, boring sentences sometimes, but that hardly happens and I'm slowly learning how to control them.

"Where's mum?", I echoed my thoughts. My aunt's smile faded and her face became grave.

"She couldn't meeting you know", She sighed, not looking me in the eye.

"It's okay. I'll see her next time." I forced a smile. Everytime, it happened every single time, it was either a meeting or she was busy, ever since Dad left two years ago, I hardly ever saw mum. It was always Aunt Liza and Uncle Tony after the sudden departure of Dad and Mum's hostility. Aunt Liza would always see through these forced smiles but she never said anything. I should've been used to it now, but even now it stings. The way she easily forgot me.

I looked around the big white mansion and the grand chandlier. She thought by giving me endless amount of money, she could buy my love.

"C'mon honey, it's time to go." My aunt's soft voice echoed, ending my pity party and I finally realized what was happening; I was going on an art camp with my best friend. A big grin made it's way onto my lips as I picked up my suitcase and hurried towards the door. It was hard to leave my aunt for three whole months and I wasn't happy to leave her, but I was going to the camp that I wanted to go to for years.

"Jessie's waiting." , she sighed. I know she was going to miss me a lot, I will too. She was practically my mom, since the last two years after the incident my aunt has been there for me through every hardship. She was there to comfort me whenever I needed someone.

I jumped on her, hugging her tightly. She hugged me back, smiling a forced smile.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too aunty."

I called her aunty since I was little, and as I grew up it just stuck to me. In the past two years, I've never been away from her for more than two days and that was when I went to Jessies' for a sleepover.

"Goodbye" I whispered as I pulled back from her and took my suitcase in my hands.

"Take care looser." She grinned, probably to lighten up the air. Waving back to her, I proceeded towards the car where I could see my best friend waiting in the car through the tinted glass of her white Prius.

Throwing my luggage in the back car, I waved to my aunt and opened the passenger seat. I didn't even talk to Jessie, my nose stuck on the window, waving endlessly to Aunt Liza. I felt the car engine roar and we started moving. I turned around as soon as my aunt was out of sight.

"CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? TODAY'S THE DAY!" Jessie screamed in my ear. I chuckled when I saw my hyper friend. Jessie was the kind of girl who would get excited over very small things. She had aurburn hair and dyed blue tips which she got last month. She had brown eyes, like me and she was very skinny. She wearing black shorts with a plain light green T-shirt and she still managed to look good in green, something very few people could actually pull off.

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